Abused and broken padawan 1

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You are the Padawan of jedi master pong Krell when you meet pong Krell you had thought he, was going to be a nice and kindhearted master until he stated being cruel and abusive towards you. He had always made sure to bring you down on your species which was twi'lek and he did on a daily basis. You had some clone trooper at were your friends at first and would protect from ping Krell abuse but that soon came to end, when they as well started abusing you as well under order of pong Krell.

Pong Krell " remember child we are doing a joint mission with anakin Skywalker, obi wan, and plo koon, master Skywalker will have his Padawan Ahsoka there as well"

Y/n " he's master "

Pong Krell " remember to keep you cloak on at all time even when you are away and if I'm told you had taken it off, you will be in trouble once again and the troopers won't save you remember they think you are useless" you had pulled your hood over head to cover most of you face the along things, at people could were you eyes leading down to you lips.

Y/n " yes master I will be on my best behavior" soon the ship and landed and the doors opens and you soon came face to face with the other jedi masters and a Padawan.

Anakin " master Krell it great to have you on this mission with us"

Pong Krell " well we have to win this battle"

Obi wan " who must be the young Padawan with you"

Ping Krell " this is my Padawan y/n"

Y/n " ......"

Plo koon " not much of talker she is master Krell"

Anakin " hey spins why don't you take out young friend here and have her meet the troopers"

Ahsoka " yes master come on y/n"

Y/n " ....." you follow Ashoka away from the masters and you still had said nothing at all, you made sure to keep less eye contact with Ahsoka.

Ahsoka " you are very quite for a Padawan y/n"

Y/n " ......"

Ashoka " so what are you it very hard to tell with you hood on"

Y/n " twi'lek"

Ahsoka " hey to say something that great"

Y/n " ......"

???? " hey kid who is your new friend "

Ashoka " Rex please meet y/n she is the Padawan of master pong Krell and she and her master will be helping us in our mission"

Rex " well it nice to meet you commander y/n"

Y/n " ....."

Ashoka " she very shy Rex but she will come around shortly"

Rex " it okay kid to be shy me and the guys will make sure to keep you safe on this mission" hearing toward words from red made you feel something special.

Anakin " hey there you two are ....well the masters will be doing the  first hard work while the Padawan will be second part of the hard work"

Ashoka " yes master"

Anakin " Rex and the 501 will be with you and y/n and there are some clones of y/n squad that will be coming, as well by orders of master Krell" soon all the master had left the camp area and you still are wearing your hood because, you knew the trooper will tell Krell  if you broke any of his rules.

Later at night

Shadow " you stupid tail head you can't do anything right they almost saw your face back there" you were soon kicked to the ground hard.

Y/n " I'm sorry ...."

Blade " not say sorry you stupid girl when the general find out about this will be I'm big trouble dear"

Fangs " just do all of us a favor and die during this mission so the general can have a better Padawan then you, some alien slave girl" the three troopers had kicked and punched you but after a whole they soon left leaving you sitting, on he ground alone.

Y/n " they are right I'm useless to the Jedi Council"

??? " well I think she went here" you soon had heard voice coming and you did your best to cover you face but it was to late Ashoka and some clones found you.

Ahsoka " oh hey there you are"

Y/n " ....."

Kix " I never seen a twi'lek Iike you with light purple skin" you and pulled you hood all the way up hiding you face once again, you soon and gotten up from the ground fast but still in pain.

Y/n " ......"

Ahsoka " so what are you doing out here all alone"

Y/n " thinking"

Ahsoka " so what is it like to work with the master Krell is a great master"

Y/n " I have to go" you soon walked away from Ashoka and the clones you wanted so badly to tell everyone the truth of your master but, you knew it will never happen because Krell was more well know and powerful then you. You soon and felt some one tap your shoulder making your turn around and see Ashoka standing there.

Ahsoka " I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable y/n"

Y/n " it okay Ahsoka I just lost in the force right now"

Ahsoka " well what does your master say to you when you feel lost with the froce"

Y/n " master keel is a man of a few words and feels"

Ahsoka " well my master tell me even when you feel like giving up there are others, that won't let that happen"

Y/n " thank you Ahsoka"

Ahsoka " hey why don't you have a meal with me and the troopers and we restart to get to know each other"

Y/n " sure" you had joined Ahsoka for a meal and you had gotten to know her troopers better as well but what you didn't notice was that Rex and Kix had stopped some of your cuts and bruises even Ahsoka had saw them. Soon enough a million of questions were running threw their mind.

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