Clone tropper sister - errand run and girl talk

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You and Ashoka are heading to the clone trooper medial bay at was stationed over a moon, of a republic planet the medical bay was also taking care of the people of the planet.

Y/n " why did we get errand girl duty again"

Ashoka " because in anakins words we are to young to be going where him and the guys are going"

Y/n " they never play fair why don they always use age when it comes to doing anything"

Ashoka " because they are grown adults and we are kids ....l come on errand are never fun it always boring or dangerous things happen"

Ashoka " hey I'm happy to be on this errand run with you verse some uptight droid"

Y/n " same here and hey it fun talking and hangout with you"

Ashoka " so have you spoken to korkie lately":

Y/n " just a few time and we are just friends what about you and lux"

Ashoka " I swear boys no matter what side they are on are all the same they are hard to read"

Y/n " I have some number of brother and I'm still confused with the male mind"

Ashoka " they are not better when they are jedi I can tell you at" you and Ashoka smile at each and soon start laughing. Yeah this was your guys life and you both were expecting it no matter what because you both knew your duty was to the republic but, the oath will sometimes come in question.

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