Padawan - your free time 1

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When you were not fighting in war and you were on coursant you had been given free time by your master, which all padawan were giving they saw it as way of giving the youth a break from all the war going on and to help clear their kinds of stress.

Plo koon

Mediation- like all padawan at the jedi temple you all had been told at very young age mediation was a great way to clear your minds of stress and negative thoughts. You would mostly mediate in your room alone sitting anywhere at felt comfortable to you. There were times where you would mediation in the temple mediation room or garden where many other padawan and younglings were as well.

Practice - you you practice your lightsaber formation in the training room or temple court yard where you had been training before, by master yoda and some elder jedi masters. There were more times when you would practice with Ashoka where you guys would have contest to see who had destroyed the most hologram droids. It soon become a game for the two of you over time, which both of your master soon picked up on when the two of your started keeping scores of who was winning so far.

Sleep - when you had the chance to sleep you would take it you didn't care which bed you were sleeping on, but when you need a good sleep to recharge from everything you most love your personal bed in your room. Sleeping in your own room made you feel better was well, sleep on ships were not an easy thing because you were always getting some by someone.

Obi wan

Studying - when ever you had the time you would go to jedi temple library and read over some old data, at was left by former jedi master or living jedi master. You joined reading over the archive data because it helped you learn new things you haven't heard of yet. You were not the only padawan in the library sometimes there were some there gaining new information or placed on library portal by the jedi council of their master.

Practice - you will still find time to practice whenever you are at the jedi temple or off world having free time, you would go over your force abilities. Most of the times you would practice your light saber movement making sure you did everyone right, or trying to improve a movement as well. If Obi wan was free from his task he would help you with your practice and if you couldn't find him it was either Ashoka or anakin.

Relaxing- being Obi wan padawan you soon understood there were a lot of people who wanted him dead, and there was time where you couldn't let your guard down. So when you had the free time you were go to your room to have small nap or mediation. Being able to take a break from all the fright and battle plans made you feel at easy but it will change when a new mission was given. When you ever got hungry you would go to mess hall during at time you would have meals with Ashoka and other padawans. All of you would talk about your masters and troopers, along with all the cazy missions you all have been on.

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