Obi wan padawan - insecurtiy

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You had been feeling very insecure about yourself at you have started losing sleep and not eat enough, you did you best to eat a good amount of food but it will fail and end up making you very sick in the end. Your master and trooper started to noticed what was wrong with you, when you started looking dizzy and very pale.

Obi wan " there you are y/n I have been looking for you"

Y/n " oh hello master"

Obi wan " y/n please have a sit I need to have a word with you about something important"

Y/n " what is it master"

Obi wan " y/n is everything okay and don't lie to me I have seen you eating less and look exhausted"

Y/n " master of just all the battles coming up it ......"

Obi wan " don't you lie to me young one I can sense you are battle some inner demons so tell me what the matter"

Y/n " master I haven ..... I don't know how to say this but I been feel less of myself these oat fews days leading to me eating less and not sleep at nights"

Obi wan " why didn't you come to tell me you were going threw this young one"

Y/n " I thought I could deal with the issues on my own I didn't want to worry you even more master, you always are busy with the upcoming battles"

Obi wan " y/n as your master you are my top responsibility and you have become something important to me, over these few years I have been with you"

Y/n " thank you master"

Obi wan " remember young one you are not alone here you have me and the man here to help you, during your time of being a padawan and one day you will be a master and have your own padawan to guide"

Y/n " yes master"

Obi wan " now come on I promise the man we will have dinner with them"

Y/n " yes master"

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