Anakin padawan - youngling lesson

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You are walking threw the Jedi temple but not alone a group of youngling were following you, master yoda has requws5 you to give the future jedi padawans a lesson. Which you agreed on after a long night of thinking of what you were going to teach them, you finally came up with a lesson for them.

Y/n " life as padawan you will develop a strong relationship with your master young ones" you had stopped waking and soon looked at the younglings.

Human girl " what if we fear of letting out master down as padawan"

Y/n " great question and yes there will be times where you will fail when it comes to things,but it happens to a lot of padawans"

Human boy " we will learn everything from our master on how to become a great Jedi"

Y/n " yes your master will teach you how to become a great Jedi but it up to yourself to, decided what type of Jedi you wish to me later on in life children"

Y/n " when I become master skywalker padawan I feared of letting him down but my master told, me he will be proud of me no matter what I do in life as long I learn from my mistakes"

Twi,lek boy " will our master learn from us or no"

Y/n " as a padawan you will teach you master some great lessons that they have yet to see before, and those lessons will show them you are now longer a little younglings anymore"

Human girl " what you relationship with your master like"

Y/n " my relationship with my master is like a sibling relationship and you all will have similar or different relationships with your master"

Human boy " what are they doing over there" you soon see your master and Ashoka underwater doing one of their silky games of destroying droids.

Y/n " there will be times when your own master will still act like a child no matter what going on" the youngling soon laugh and you just shake your head, soon enough the lesson was over and master yoda was thankful for your lesson. Your later scold Ashoka and anakin on fighting like children in front youngling, and no seemed to be coming to their rescue.

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