Clone trooper sister - new life away from war 1

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You were once apart of the clone trooper army the only female clone trooper, you and a wonder life with your brothers and the jedi but that soon came to end when you kicked out of the army. When you we're label as something bad for the republic and after the senate made the vote, you were soon striped of your rank and life in the clone army. Your own brothers didn't want to come with you because they were very loyal the republic and jedi. Your brother loyalty were stronger towards the jedi then you, so you lived in the lower levels of coursant for while unit, you decided to leave the planet for new life in neutral planet where no one knew who you were.

Y/n " boys it times to get up you all need to eat breakfast and get on with your chores" when you arrive on a neutral planet, which was part of the neutral system you made sure to buy yourself some new clothes. A few weeks of lining your life on the neutral planet, you soon ran into someone who will change your life. It was a young mandolore man with tan skin, and his name was sora. He was starting a new life here on the planet was well and after that day a great relationship started between you and him.

????? " mom lussca  won't get out of the bathroom"

Y/n " lussca stop hogging the bathroom and let your brother use it" you soon had stated a friend with sora which soon become a romantic between the two of you, and after a while you two were soon married on the planet and a few years later you started a family with sora.

Y/n " boys ..... oh never mind you are all down here" you have seven sons with your husband sora but when your youngest son, ezro was born your husband.

Lussca " ewww mom erzo is throwing his food at us"

Y/n " ezro be nice to your brothers"  your seven sons were the things you had left in your life at are important to you, but they didn't know about your clone trooper past. Sora did know of your past because he told you about his past when your oldest Roman  was born, sora told you he was brought of mandolore clan but was exiled for a crime he didn't do. Your husband had also a job he was bounty hunter as well you were okay with his work because he always came home, and he even helps you learn some bounty hunter skill as well.

Roman  " hey mom you are going to town again for sell the crops"

Y/n " yes I'm and you young man are in changer of your younger brothers"

Roman " yes ma'am"

Luscca " mom can I came with you to the market please I want to help you"

Y/n " sweetie I know you want to help but you have to stay here and help out around here"

Luscca " yes mom"

Echo jr  and Jessie jr   " mom"

Y/n " yes echo and rex " yes you had named one your of children after your brother echo because you had special siblings relationship with him, and you had funny sibling relationship with your brother Jessie as well. So your named your twins sons after your two brothers.

Echo jr " if we get done with the chores early can we work on our shoring skills when it comes to bounty hunting "

Y/n " sure not only if you get done with your chores on time"

Jessie jr " fine but adablim and Xavier have to deal with the life stock"

Adablim " fine"

Xavier " I'm okay with at" the boys soon finish their meal and leave the kitchen table when you were looking at your sons they looked so much like their father, you knew thinking about sora right now won't do anyone any favors you did miss him and you love him still.

Later at day

Y/n " ......." you and just returned from the guild after turning in a few people you had caught, your sons did know of their father bounty hunter life and your husband soon started training the older boys to become bounty hunters.

Y/n ' long time no see general skywalker" you soon turned around to see anakin standing behind you and you soon saw a few of your brothers.

Anakin " hello y/n"

Y/n " so what may I know of your visit here"

Rex " sister you have to understand we need your help on something"

Y/n " we can talk more at my house it going to start storming here soon and you, don't want to get stuck in the storms here"

Hard case " wow you life has been something you look different"

Y/n " oh hard case you don't even know how much I have changed over these many years now come" you soon head to your hoses on your speeder with the rest following.

Y/n " we are here"

Rex " you have a nice place here little sis"

Y/n " yeah.. hey stay here while I put the speeder away and don't touch anything please"

Anakin " sure"

With the guys

Anakin " hey maybe she will be willing to help us"

?????? " mom lussca is having another fit again and we can't calm him down"

Rex " mom ?" Your brothers and anakin  soon came face to face with a younger boy and they started asking many questions.

Luscca " who are you all and what have you done with my mother"

Y/n " Luscca be calm these are some friend of mine"

Clone wars x female reader book 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now