Obi wan padawan - overprotive padawan

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You didn't have a very safe history of being master Obi wan padawan, and soon enough your master and the troopers become over protective of you. After everything that had happened over time they didn't want anything and happing to you again but you could say that plan of theirs was not working.

Cody " no we are not going with your plan of idea commander"

Y/n " oh come on why not it a good plan and it will work"

Cody " it to dangerous for you and don't give me believe in the force speech it won't work"

Y/n " come on Cody it one of only ways we can do something without losing lives or getting damage"

Cody " nice try kid but the general told me to make sure you don't do anything stupid or dangerous"

Y/n " what kind of dangerous anakin and Ashoka dangerous or Obi wan dangerous"

Cody " you know what I mean"

Y/n " ........"

Cody " now man gather around we have to go over the battle plan"

Trooper " captain I like the commander idea"

Cody " we are not doing the commander idea"

Trooper 2  " are sure about at general because it seem like waxier and boil are with the idea"

Cody " what do you mean" Cody soon turned around and saw you in the co pilot seat, in star ship with waxier and boil and before he could even take one more step the ship had taken off.

Cody " kid"

Trooper 3 " so are we going after them captain or no"

Cody " yes we are going after then now come on, when I get my hands on those two idiots I will kill them and the kid going to drive me to an early grave" Cody and the rest of the troopers soon came after the three escape artist and to maybe stop them before you do something dangerous.

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