Obi wan padawan - bullied

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You are returning from the medical bay agate getting some new stitches after you were badly cut in a fights with some droids. Obi wan had order to you to the medial bay even when you told him you were okay he still made you go, once everything was over with you soon head back to meet up with your master.

Stranger " are you helps with what you are doing young jedi"

Y/n " what do you mean sir"

Stranger " because of you jedi the whole galaxy has fallen into prices and you not even ending this war sooner"

Y/n " sir there are many people who think the same as you and the jedi do want the war to end, bit there are something we can't make coke easily we all know that"

Y/n " now sir if you're excuse me I need to meet with my master good day sir" you have learned a lot from your master about being clam and trolling people.

Stranger " don't you dare walk away from me you stupid kid" the random man soon pulled your hair making you fall onto the ground hard.

Y/n " ......."

Stranger " come one jedi kid fight me now"

Y/n " I will not fight unarmed man sir now please stop before you so something your will later feel bad about" You got up half off the ground and the guy soon pushed you back on the ground.

Stranger " I'm going to teach you a good lesson kid" the man was about to kick you when some grabbed his legs and stopped him, you soon saw it is your master.

Obi wan " now sir you are not picking a fight with a child and a child of the jedi order"

Strange " she no jedi" you had gotten up off from the ground and dusted yourself off from the dirty.

Obi wan " yes she is a jedi and she is acting more like an adult when you right now, you are acting like a man child"

Stranger " let me go now jedi"

Obi wan " as you wish sir" Obi wan soon let the man go and he soon fall yo the floor hard and now covered in dirty and mud the guys soon walks away, pissed.

Obi wan " you okay young one"

Y/n " yes master I'm fine thank you for helping me"

Obi wan " you acted responsible young one I'm proud of you"

Y/n " thank you master"

Obi wan " now come on we have to mission to get ready for"

Y/n " yes sir" you follow Obi wan to the ship at is waiting for the both of you along with the squadron as well.

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