{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Twenty-Two: Fangs Crumble I

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At the start of the moon, You wake up, and Seraphine speaks to You.

Seraphine: I suppose that this is going to be another month of searching... Then again, I guess that none of these moons have particularly gone according to plan. I hope that it all goes well this time around though. We're so close to ending all of this, and I can't wait for us to finally grasp victory... It feels like we've been waiting forever.

You nod your agreement and move to the cardinals' room. The Golden Deer are waiting for You there.

Raithius: Today is just another standard meeting at this point... This moon, we're going to be trying to find my father. If it goes well, everything is going to end in the coming weeks.

Lev: But we can't quite count on that yet... We're all desperate to see this end, but we can't be sure that we're going to actually find him.

Jill: We've been looking for him for quite some time, but we haven't found anything. I must admit that I'm a bit worried about how we're going to track him down.

Adeline: Since it's been so long since we saw him, I have to say that I'm concerned. What if he's planning something in the shadows?

Cedric: He wouldn't be capable of too much while operating in secret this way... Then again, I suppose he did everything else while working in the shadows...

Sofia: We'll just have to take whatever challenges he sends our way. Until then, let's keep looking around. It's all we can do.

William: The rest of the group is already getting started on the pending investigation. I don't think we should draw out this meeting for too long. We should join them as soon as possible.

Wolfgang: I'm with William here. I don't have any new juicy gossip from the rest of the continent since my network of informants has betrayed me... I still can't believe that they all thought Bazler was a better person to follow than me.

Novalee: I must agree that it was poor judgement on their end... Bazler is known for being untrustworthy. Still, there's nothing we can do about it now. We need to keep moving without thinking about the past or getting distracted.

Lev: Our search has been going on for a while, so we're narrowing down where he could be hiding...

Adeline: Then again, he could be moving around somehow. We don't know if he has any other tunnels like the one he used to escape, and that could cause problems.

Jill: All in all, we won't know about what we're supposed to be looking for quite yet. Still, we can't let that stop us.

William: I'm sure that he's going to pop up soon enough. We'll be ready for him whenever he shows his face.

Novalee: For the time being, we're going to split up. Keep investigating to see if we can figure out where he is, alright?

Sofia: If we hear anything, we'll be sure to report it back to you. Hopefully, it'll lead to the end of this mess soon...

Cedric: I'll be looking forward to hearing about your findings later in the month. Good luck to you all.

Wolfgang: Be sure to stay out of trouble too. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you guys, right?

Raithius: Exactly. I'll be looking forward to your progress reports. Until then, good luck out there.

You nod your understanding and leave the cardinals' room. You hear Seraphine speak to You as You move back to your room.

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