{Part One: White Clouds} Prologue: Start of an Age

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???: Um... Hello? Are you awake? Come on. Open your eyes for me.

You are alone in the darkness. You cannot see anything, but You do not believe this is real life. You open your eyes and sit up, still cloaked in darkness. You look around, searching for the source of the mysterious voice. Eventually, your eyes settle upon a young girl. She has long green hair and a golden tiara sitting atop her head. She is wearing a pink and white dress with purple highlights. A golden veil falls on top of her hair and covers much of her back side.

???: Ah, you're up! Took you long enough. Any idea what's going on? I wish I could tell you.

You tell the mysterious young woman you do not know what is happening.

???: Perhaps I'm getting too far ahead of myself. What is your name, might I ask?

You tell the mysterious girl your name.

???: That's an odd name... Hm. Oh well. I guess I'm not one to judge.

You ask the girl what her name is.

???: Me? Hm, good question... Do I know...? I suppose not. But that's not important right now. Do you know how to get rid of this cursed darkness?

You tell the girl you do not know.

???: Odd...

You see an orb of white light appear near the odd girl. You turn to face it fully.

???: Why don't you investigate that light?

The light grows in volume.

???: Perhaps that isn't necessary after all... Oh, well. I trust you'll see what lies on the other side of this shine for me. Go on.

The girl fades away as the light consumes your sight. White is all You can see... When you next open your eyes a few moments later, the white is gone. Instead, you are on the ground at dusk. The sun is setting in the distance, casting orange light across the grass. It seems You had been there for a while. You got to your feet and looked around. You could see nothing but trees as far as the horizon. The mysterious girl was gone. You were alone. You begin to wander around, unsure of where You were. It takes You a moment to realize a sword is at your hip in its sheath. Were You once a fighter? What could have happened to You? There don't appear to be any clues nearby...


You glance around furiously to find the origin of the scream. Your gaze catches a stream of fire off in the distance. Before You know what you're doing, You find yourself running closer. In a matter of minutes, You are at the village. Sure enough, flames pierce the sky. People appear to be running every which way. Some are bearing weapons and torches while others lack possessions at all. You do not know how to respond to the sudden onslaught of chaos. However, your shock and confusion is cut short when three people approach you. They all bear uniforms of black and gold. The first one to speak is a girl of about seventeen years. She has dark blonde hair in a ponytail reaching the small of her back and green eyes. A blue cape hung over one of her shoulders. This is Magnolia Václav Josefa.

Magnolia: Hey! What are you doing here?! We have to get all civilians out!

The second person is a young man with blue hair. His eyes are a similar sapphire shade. He had a yellow cape on instead of a blue one. He seems a bit older than his companions. His name is Raithius Origo.

Raithius: Magnolia, that's a sword! We could use your help. This village is under attack by bandits. We need to fight them off.

The final person of the three appears to be Magnolia's age. She has honey blonde hair in a long braid falling down her back. She has blue eyes and bronze glasses. Her cape is red. She seems on the pale side, as if she's sick in some way. This is Chris von Faixnoye.

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