{Part One: Cindered Shadows} Chapter Seven: Bitter Confrontation

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You are continuing to follow the group that has been attacking Abyss alongside your students and the Ashen Wolves. You pause when You see a building off in the distance.

Eli: Is that what I think it is?

Ernst: It's most certainly a building of some sort, but I haven't the slightest idea what it could contain.

Grey: If they've been running off in this direction, maybe they were trying to get there.

Saias: Now that we have a goal in sight, all that's left for us to do is surge forward and take them out once and for all.

Magnus: They won't stand a chance before our shared might. It's just a matter of time before they collapse under our power.

Taiyin: Try not to get too cocky, alright? They've been causing so many problems for us up to this point for a reason, and I doubt they're going to go down without a fight.

Gabriel: I'm with Taiyin on this one. We'll have to be as careful as we possibly can when we're fighting them if they really are in there.

Quinn: If I had to guess, I would say that they are expecting us. They have let us follow them this far, so they have to be planning something for when we arrive at the building.

Ansel: In other words, stay on your toes, everyone. It simply would not do if you went and died when we're so close to victory.

Tsubasa: I'm surprised that we haven't found ourselves deep in any issues leading up to this point, honestly...

Eli: It probably just means that they're planning something for when we arrive there properly... We'll have to be as careful as possible if we want to avoid getting hurt.

Raithius: Hold on for a moment... I think I see enemies coming our way again.

Illona: How many times does this need to happen? It's starting to get downright frustrating.

Sofia: It seems they aren't in the mood to wait patiently to potentially get their hands on the Chalice.

Magnolia: Last time we fought them, there was no commander in sight... As far as I can tell, they're being led by someone, so it seems that we've found the one we were searching for from earlier.

Tuncay: Well, if they think that they can get away with this more easily just because they have a boss around this time, they're sorely mistaken.

Chris: I guess we'll just have to fight them again and see where it leads us...

You nod your agreement before turning your attention to the horizon. Sure enough, a group of soldiers is marching away from the building in the distance, and You are sure that they are involved with the recent attacks on Abyss. You draw your sword and hold it tightly in preparation for the coming battle.

Eli: Professor, we'll listen to whatever you want us to do, but you had better make up your mind fast. They're approaching us much faster than I anticipated.

You say that You will hold your ground for the battle and press forward after the assault has drawn to a conclusion.

Raithius: I had a feeling you would say something like that. How about we get ready to speak with the enemy commanders? Part of me says that there's a chance they'll want to talk to us about something.

Illona: I just hope they don't use that as a chance to pull anything that could be used against us... We'll have to be careful.

Magnolia: I agree completely... They look exactly the same as everyone else that we've encountered lately. They all have pale skin, almost like they're ghosts... It's a haunting sight, if I'm being perfectly honest.

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