{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Seventeen: Poisoned Heart II

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Two months have passed since your initial meeting with the rest of the Golden Deer. You hear a knock at your door, and You rise to see who is standing on the other side. Novalee is waiting for You.

Novalee: Greetings, Professor. I come with an important message... We have received word from Faerghus regarding what is to come.

You ask if she has met with a messenger from Magnolia.

Novalee: I'm afraid not, but an informant of Wolfgang's has come to see us. She comes with important word from the Kingdom regarding potentially gaining an ally.

You nod and follow Novalee to the cardinals' room. Raithius and Wolfgang are waiting with You there with another young woman. She has darkened skin and incredibly curly hair. Something about her exudes stern kindness.

Wolfgang: Hey, Professor. Allow me to introduce you to Calypso.

Calypso: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Raithius: Calypso has been working with Wolfgang's network of informants, and she's been listening around in Faerghus for rumors that we can use.

Wolfgang: Don't hold back on us, Calypso. What have you heard?

Calypso: Last I was aware, the Kingdom is intending to offer you with reinforcements, but... Not in the way we originally expected.

Novalee: Do continue.

Calypso: At first, the queen herself was intending to lead her troops into battle to reclaim Goneril lands, but she has been forced to hold back for the sake of her safety. She's still attempting to find a way to aid your group from afar, but she can't come on her own.

Wolfgang: Would you look at that? Magnolia's still just as kind and supportive as she was back in our school days.

Raithius: I'm glad to hear it... We don't know who she's going to be sending to help us out, so we can't really do much to alter our current strategy, but... Her efforts are appreciated.

Novalee: We can adapt when we arrive in Goneril lands the day of the invasion. They aren't going to be expecting us to march on them since we've not targeted Kingdom territory since this has begun, so hopefully we'll be able to take advantage of that.

Wolfgang: There's no way of saying until we get there. We can handle things though. I'm sure of it.

Novalee: Don't get overly confident, Wolfgang.

Wolfgang: Okay, I get it. Don't worry about that though. We should concentrate more on what we're going to be doing from here.

Raithius: We're going to press on as if we didn't receive this information. How does that sound?

Novalee: Perfect.

Wolfgang: So, Calypso, what are you going to be doing from here?

Calypso: I haven't made up my mind.

Wolfgang: You should stay here at the monastery for a while longer. I know that I would love to catch up with you.

Calypso: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Wolfgang: I'd certainly love to have you here rather than out there. It would be much safer for you here.

Calypso: Alright... Fine. I'll stay for a bit longer.

Wolfgang: You're the best!

You ask how Wolfgang and Calypso came to meet.

Wolfgang: It's a bit of a long story, but... All you really need to know is that Calypso and I have been friends for a while now.

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