{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Three: Bygone Era I (Blue Lions)

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You wake up on the first day of month six, the Blue Sea Moon. It's time for your third mission to be given out, and You are more ready than ever before.

Seraphine: Ah, it's good to know that we're finally getting the chance to do something... You know, since we consciously know that we're doing something this month instead of being surprised when odd invaders appear. We're still waiting for answers on the mercenary business... I guess all we can do is press on like nothing is wrong.

You nod your agreement and begin to head for Aisa's room. She is standing there with Roy, which You must admit You expected.

Aisa: Greetings, Professor.

Roy: We have already determined what your next mission will be. It will hopefully come with less surprises than last month's task.

Aisa: There have been many attacks as of late in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Many smaller towns have been invaded by fighters dressed in black. They bear an emblem with a distorted version of the Crest of Blaiddyd.

Seraphine: The Crest of Blaiddyd... Come to think of it, isn't that Magnolia's Crest?

Aisa: They seem to bear a grudge against the Josefa line leading the Kingdom at this time...

Roy: These attacks have risen in popularity this past month, and we would like you and your students to provide aid to a few of the villages.

Aisa: Your goal is to go and defend some of these towns. Hopefully, it won't involve any violence.

Seraphine: You said that last time, but we still had to deal with Adrestian mercenaries!

You ask about the mercenaries from the attack the month before.

Roy: We are still conducting our investigation on the matter. Hopefully, we will have new information to give you regarding them soon.

Aisa: In the meantime, we ask that you help out these smaller towns. Can you do that?

You nod.

Aisa: Good. Now, it's time for you to choose a house for the month. Which house would you like to teach for the coming month?

You reply with your answer: the Blue Lions.

Roy: You would like to side with the Blue Lions for the coming month?

You nod.

Aisa: I see. They should be in their homeroom, ready to hear your explanation of the mission.

Roy: Until next time, Professor.

You thank them and leave, heading for the Blue Lions homeroom.

Seraphine: I wonder if these soldiers are at all related to the mercenaries we fought last month. Wearing all black with an emblem of the nation's color... That's too much of a coincidence for me. I think they're connected somehow.

You nod your agreement.

Seraphine: But until the church can figure something out, we just have to wait around... How boring.

You make your way to the homeroom. When You enter, the students are standing with Reese.

Reese: Ah, Professor. I see you'll be joining us for the month.

Magnolia: We're supposed to be investigating a group of odd soldiers that have been invading villages in the Kingdom... I heard a little bit about them.

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