{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Two: The Wandering Scholar I (Golden Deer)

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You awaken the day after the mock battle to find it is the first day of the Harpstring Moon, the fifth month of the Fódlan calendar. The first full month of your teaching job is about to begin, and You see Seraphine on your way out to see the archbishop.

Seraphine: What do you think we'll be doing this month? It's not as if we can meet with our students or anything for a mock battle. That's over. Do you think we'll have an actual mission? That would be amazing!

You shake your head, unsure.

Seraphine: I guess all we can do is ask the archbishop about it. She's bound to have a plan for what we should do next, and if she doesn't know yet, then she'll be able to tell us when it is figured out.

You nod your agreement and make your way to the archbishop's area upstairs. When you arrive, You see Aisa and Roy standing together.

Aisa: Good morning, Professor. I hope you slept well.

You nod.

Aisa: I am glad to hear it. I can tell you're curious about this month's mission, but I first would like to congratulate you on how well you did in the mock battle. I truly was impressed.

You thank Aisa for her compliment.

Aisa: I am only speaking the truth.

Roy: In the battle, we did notice something though... Or rather, Derric told us about something, and we've grown rather curious on the matter.

Aisa: I'm sure you have heard about Crests by now. They are symbols of power from the goddess, often found in noble houses scattered throughout Fódlan. In this past battle, Derric noticed that you activated a Crest of your own.

You react with shock.

Aisa: He saw this in the first battle as well, but we weren't able to do much about it due to how soon the mock battle was... However, now, we have all the time in the world.

Roy: We have tracked down a famous Crest scholar to help you figure out what Crest you possess. We don't have any experts on Crests here at the monastery, making it difficult to identify.

Aisa: This month, your mission will be to meet with this Crest scholar. She has agreed to help you determine what Crest you have, information you will then relay back to us.

You cannot help but wonder why You cannot go and meet with this scholar now.

Aisa: She is a rather busy woman, I am afraid. She gave us a time to come see her, and she doesn't like it when people break her schedule. After you pick a house for this month, you will train with them to further their skills, and you will visit the scholar at the end of the moon.

Roy: We doubt you'll need to fight to go and see her, but it's worth being on your guard. She is something of a peculiar character, and while we believe she'll tell you what Crest you have without issue, things could easily go wrong. Just in case something happens, we need you all to be ready.

Aisa: Now, the time has come for you to select your house for the month. All of the professors are already aware of your mission.

You think long and hard about your decision, and in the end, You decide to follow the Golden Deer for the month.

Roy: You have chosen the Golden Deer?

You nod.

Roy: Good choice. Now, you should return to your house and tell your students you will be with them.

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