{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Eleven: Betrayal from Peace III (Golden Deer)

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The day of the mission arrives, and You wake up before getting to your feet. Seraphine manifests beside You.

Seraphine: We're so close to being done with the year, and yet, I am afraid of what lies beyond... I want to get this mission over with. The sooner we take care of this revolt, the sooner we can come back here and check on Janae. I know there won't be any changes, but part of me is still hoping things will get better... They have to get better... Right?

You tell her that You hope so.

Seraphine: Yeah... Hope... That's all we can do now, huh...?

Seraphine disappears, and You walk to the Golden Deer homeroom. You feel oddly empty as You make your way there. Once You arrive, You open the door. You see the students alongside Jill, Nesreen, Kaeta, Yuliya, Derric, Niko, and Arthur. You feel alright about the mission until You see Arthur, and seeing him makes You feel somewhat sick. He is aggravating, to say the least.

Jill: I'm glad to see we're all here...

Nesreen: We don't have any time to waste. It's time to take care of business.

Kaeta: You're right. I don't think there's really any reason for us to stand around here for too long.

Raithius: What I want to find out today is why Lord Lavellan-Indech would turn against the crown like that.

Yuliya: Maybe he decided to follow Bazler into the hell that inevitably awaits him in the afterlife.

Sofia: He didn't seem to show any signs of rebelling before now though.

William: Perhaps something pushed him to want to lash out.

Adeline: Someone could have manipulated him into rebelling.

Lev: That wouldn't surprise me...

Wolfgang: Maybe it was Malice.

Cedric: He is going against his duties as a noble...

Novalee: Noble duties or not, what matters is that we take care of him.

Niko: I don't understand... Why would they rebel without mentioning it to us...?

Derric: They never bothered to say anything to us... It's so strange...

Adrian: All we can do now is take care of business.

Arthur: And we shall! They will perish for going against the royal family!

Everyone in the room starts to leave as Seraphine appears at your side.

Seraphine: Arthur is a bumbling fool... I don't mean that in the endearing way either. He would probably get his head smashed in with a rock if he took his rude mannerisms around the wrong people. Hell, he's probably only alive at this point because he's a noble. I hope not all nobles are like him... I mean, your students seem fine, but others... Yikes.

You offer no outward response as Seraphine vanishes. You begin the journey to Lavellan-Indech territory, wondering when You will arrive...

When You finally reach your destination, You look around. There are no soldiers at all.

Raithius: For being a territory about to start a revolt, it seems oddly desolated here.

Jill: The land is practically abandoned...

Novalee: I don't understand it... They must be hiding somewhere.

Adrian: If I had to wager a guess, it would be the main estate.

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