{Part One: White Clouds} Isolated Community (Tuncay x Herwig)

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You walk into the marketplace and see Tuncay standing near the blacksmith's stand.

Tuncay: All out of supplies... Damn. The next shipment won't be coming in for a while, so I guess I'm going to have to hold off on finishing that batch of weapons. Ugh, how frustrating...

Herwig walks up to Tuncay with a small frown.

Herwig: You seem upset, Tuncay... Is something the matter?

Tuncay: They've run out of supplies for making weapons... You know what? I don't want to wait around here restlessly for them to get more stuff. I'm going to do something about it.

Herwig: And what is it exactly that you plan to do?

Tuncay: I'm going to find more materials. Luckily, I know just the place to search if I want to find some.

Herwig: What place is this? You had better not be running into any location that's known to be dangerous.

Tuncay: Of course not. I'm just thinking that my home might be able to help us out. The people of my village are great with making weapons. I bet they've got a little something to spare for me until we catch up on supplies here.

Herwig: You're going to go back home? I suppose that would be a rather easy way to get our hands on new supplies sooner rather than later...

Tuncay: Plus, it's been a while since I've been able to talk to my folks. It would be nice to see them again.

Herwig: Where do you live, Tuncay?

Tuncay: It's a small village you won't find on any maps. For the most part, it's been forgotten by the rest of the world.

Herwig: Alright, now I have to see this. Would it be alright with you if I came along?

Tuncay: I don't see why not... Professor! Hey!

You turn to look at them upon being addressed.

Herwig: We're heading back to Tuncay's village to gather a few extra supplies for forging weapons. Would you like to come along?

You nod.

Tuncay: Thank you, Professor. If anyone else wants to come along, you can tell them it would be great if they joined us.

You say that You will go and speak with the rest of your class for the month to see if they would like to come along.

Herwig: Alright. We'll get ready as well. Meet us at the front gate of the monastery when you're ready.

You nod and watch them walk away as Seraphine appears.

Seraphine: A hidden village that barely anybody has heard of, huh...? That sure does sound like something special. Imagine the possibilities... Anyways, we should be getting ready, yes? I don't want them to leave without us. I want to see what happens there.

You say that You feel the same before leaving the marketplace to go and speak with your students to invite them along. You wind up bringing your weapons along just in case something bad happens, and You tell everyone else to do the same as well.

A few hours later, You are walking with Herwig and Tuncay through the woods of the Adrestian Empire.

Herwig: Are we getting closer?

Tuncay: We should be. I know the way like the back of my hand.

Herwig: It's incredible... I grew up in this territory, and I had no idea that this area even existed.

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