{Part Two} Death of the Damned (Illona x Adrian)

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While walking around the monastery one day, You watch Illona come into the gates of Garreg Mach from the nearby town. Adrian approaches her soon afterwards.

Adrian: Hey there, Illona! I was wondering where you had gotten off to.

Illona: Ack-! Adrian! What are you doing here? I didn't realize that you were keeping tabs on me.

Adrian: I've seen you coming in and out of the monastery a lot lately, and... I guess I've just been a bit concerned.

Illona: Oh... Um... That.

Adrian: I can tell that you've started acting differently ever since your uncle managed to escape... Is there something going on there?

Illona: I've... Um... Well... I guess that you can say that I've been trying to find him.

Adrian: I see... Given the fact that he managed to get away from us, it makes sense that you would be trying to pursue him. This is a highly personal matter for you.

Illona: Yeah... It is... And I think that I've finally figured out where he is.

Adrian: You were planning on telling the rest of us about this, right? Going out there to face him alone... That would not be the best idea out there, you know.

Illona: I wasn't even going to think about trying it, for the record. I know that it wouldn't have ended well because of the kind of man that he is.

Adrian: Well, if you've figured out where he is now, then I think that we might as well follow your lead and see where it takes us.

Illona: I don't know... It feels kind of wrong to get you in on this mess.

Adrian: Me? What about me?

Illona: It's... It's about our shared Crest and all that.

Adrian: I'm not here to confront you about that or try to squeeze all of your secrets out of you. I'm doing this because I want to help you find peace with your uncle. Now, what do you say to going out and taking care of this?

Illona: T-Today isn't right! The weather conditions are just... Atrocious!

Adrian: It's sunny and warm.

Illona: So it is... Professor! You've been hearing this, right? Back me up here!

You suggest that You go after Illona's uncle since his location has finally been discovered after spending ages searching.

Illona: Of course you would say that... Traitor.

Adrian: The sooner we get rid of him, the better. As long as he's still at large, he has the ability to hurt other people, and I refuse to let that happen.

Illona: Yeah... I guess you're right... Fine. You have my agreement... Just as long as we're able to do this without getting into a really bad situation.

Adrian: I'm sure that if we all work together, we're going to be fine. There's nothing to worry about.

Illona: Okay... I guess that we're doing this then... Are you ready, Professor?

You nod.

Adrian: We'll leave before the hour ends then. I'll be looking forward to it.

A few hours later, You find yourself in Faerghus territory with the rest of the team that has come to take care of Drake de la Brache. Illona points to a small building that squats isolated on the edge of a small town.

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