{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Eleven: Betrayal from Peace I (Black Eagles)

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You wake up at the start of the Pegasus Moon. You can feel your body aching as You rise from slumber. You remember what happened at the end of the previous moon after your last mission, and You feel your heart throb. Seraphine appears.

Seraphine: I don't think it's ever been quite so hard to get out of bed in the morning... I wonder what the archbishop has for us today.

You say You are curious as well.

Seraphine: I know it's hard, but... I believe in you. You can do this. Everybody is here to support you and Janae. She'll recover soon. You heard Lady Aisa. It'll all be fine... Yeah... All fine...

You nod and rise to your feet. You walk to the audience chamber as Seraphine disappears. For once, she is at a loss for words. You arrive at the audience chamber and open the door slowly.

Aisa: Good morning, Professor...

Roy: You look exhausted... I doubt you slept well.

You admit You had trouble resting.

Roy: I understand that.

Aisa: A lot has happened... Do take your time in recovering.

You nod and ask what the next mission will be.

Aisa: Another noble from Adrestia has risen in rebellion.

Roy: He... He is the father of Derric and Niko.

You stare with wide eyes in surprise.

Aisa: Maxwell Lavellan-Indech claimed to be loyal to the church for many years, but he cut off all contact last month in favor of turning his sights towards the throne of the Empire.

Roy: The emperor is far from pleased, as I'm sure you would imagine... He wants us to stomp out the rebellion.

Aisa: However, he will not be giving your party the briefing this month.

Roy: He refuses to do so after 'being embarrassed the last time'.

Aisa: Professor, the time has come to select a house for the month. Who do you wish to follow?

You think on it briefly before deciding on the Black Eagles.

Roy: Will you follow the Black Eagles?

You nod.

Aisa: I see...

Roy: Perhaps you should go to see them at this time.

You start to head for the door when Aisa's voice stops You.

Aisa: Professor?

You turn to face her.

Aisa: If you are still worried about Janae McCreary... You do not need to be. She will be fine. As long as I draw breath, she will survive... And I don't plan on dying anytime soon.

You nod your understanding.

Aisa: It will be alright... If you need anything, all of us are here for you. Understood?

You thank her for the offer before leaving. Seraphine appears beside You.

Seraphine: I never would have expected to get so attached to her so soon... We only met her last month, and yet... I feel strangely empty. Surely, you feel the same.

You confirm her suspicions.

Seraphine: She isn't even dead... She'll wake up one day, but... I don't know. I can't help but feel awful thinking about all that happened.

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