{Part Two: Azure Moon} Endgame: From the Ashes of Tragedy

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You watch as Magnolia makes her way over to Marcus for the impending duel, and You glance around the area at the soldiers that are quickly closing in around You. Seraphine's voice echoes in your head.

Seraphine: This is going to be it... I'm sure of it. All we can do now is trust that Magnolia has everything under control. We'll do what we can to defeat the rest of the soldiers around here. I'm sure that we'll be able to pull it off together.

You nod your agreement as You throw yourself into battle. You and the rest of the Blue Lions fight with incredible ferocity, doing a fine job of ensuring that Magnolia's duel with Marcus remains exclusive to them. You find yourself looking towards them when You get the chance to do so as a way of ensuring that Magnolia is still alive and unharmed. You find that she has already made progress in the fight at hand.

When Magnolia initiates combat with Marcus, the following dialogue plays out.

Magnolia: I want you to know that I have no intentions of losing this battle. No matter what happens, I'm going to find a way to come out on top.

Marcus: You underestimate me.

Magnolia: I believe that I've made the strength of my convictions perfectly clear through our previous encounters. Wouldn't you agree?

Marcus: Perhaps... Still, I'm not going to be backing down, and I would expect nothing less from you.

Magnolia: Let's go on and see this through to the end then.

When Marcus is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.

Marcus: So... This is where it all ends... Hmph...

With the duel finished, You approach Magnolia and find her standing over Marcus. She is silent, and You watch Marcus carefully. The rest of the Blue Lions continue to defeat the remaining soldiers around You.

Magnolia: It's over. You should have known that this was where everything was going to end.

Marcus: Perhaps I did... But it matters little now... You've won, and you're going to use your own ambitions and thoughts on justice to change the world for better or worse...

Magnolia: It still upsets me that we couldn't have fought on the same side. We were endlessly stubborn right up until the end, but in another timeline... Who's to say that there isn't a universe out there where we fought together?

Marcus: Perhaps it does exist... Perhaps not...

Magnolia: I... I want to hear about the day my father died. Can you do that for me?

Marcus: That... That was the worst day of my life, you know... He had already killed my parents for supposedly invading Faerghus... Dastard didn't realize that he was the one who forced them out of their home in the first place...

Magnolia: And you killed him for both revenge and self-defense. He would have gone after you next.

Marcus: You're a bright one... I had no other choice, and I don't regret it...

Magnolia: I'm not trying to say that you should. In fact, it would be for the best that you didn't regret it. I detest my father for everything that he did as well. History failed to understand his actions and the pain he brought to other people, but I like to believe that I'm different from him.

Marcus: You'll have to prove it... Show everyone that you're not like him...

Magnolia: I'm going to prove you wrong, you know. We might walk different paths, but I'm going to make sure that the world understands that I can do this. I don't care who opposes me at this point... I'm going to make the most of the chance that my bloodline has offered me, and I'm going to make sure that nothing ever happens to our people to make them fight this way again.

Marcus: History will have to judge you itself, it seems...

Magnolia: The same to you... Only time will be able to tell what comes of both of our thought processes, hm?

Marcus: I'm... I'm wishing you luck... Young queen...

Marcus dies, and You look over to Magnolia quietly before asking if she is alright.

Magnolia: I will be. I knew that it was going to end this way before we ever set foot in Fhirdiad. I... I am going to do what I can to show that he was wrong about me. I'm more than the blood in my veins, but I'm going to use the chance I've been given to alter the course of history for the better. Ending the war was just my first step. What's coming next... Well, who's to say? I just know that I'm going to stay true to my convictions regardless of what the universe decides to throw at me. I know that it's what he would have wanted for me. As twisted as it is, enemies from the start, we could have been the same in another life. It stings to imagine in a way.

You tell Magnolia that You have every confidence that history will remember her fondly.

Magnolia: I hope so... The future is going to be our guide and our witness from this day forward. I simply hope that I can impress the next handful of generations with my actions.

You say that You believe she will.

Magnolia: Thank you, Professor, but... I could say the same about you. Do you have plans for the future? I'm sure that there's something you've been thinking of doing. The war is over. You can do as you please. I'm bound to the weight of the crown and the throne alike, but... This is your chance to do what you wish. Do you have any ideas?

You think about your future. If You decide to stay with a given person, You nod, and the following dialogue plays out. This is the choice for the S-Support of the game; only characters You have formed an A-Rank bond up to this point will be in consideration.

Magnolia: It's nice to hear that you have ideas... I'm sure that they'll lead to something grand.

If You decide to stay on your own, You shake your head, and the following dialogue plays out.

Magnolia: I understand. This is all rather sudden, after all. Freedom after so long... It's a strange thing.

Both dialogue options converge here.

Magnolia: Still, I suppose that we can't quite tackle the future until we get ready to face it. The world is waiting for us, so why don't we go on and give it a show? Let's see what history has to say about our actions. I'm hoping the commentary will be splendid.

Magnolia outstretches her hand to You, and You accept it with a smile and a nod. You walk towards the heart of Fhirdiad, the palace of Faerghus, and the glow of sunshine fills your vision as You walk towards a brighter dawn, freed at long last from the nightmare of war...

The scene will shift to the Goddess Tower if an S-Support was chosen. Their S-Support scene will play out here, but if no person was selected, the next segment will show immediately instead.

The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus spearheaded the revolution in the years after the war. Malice disappeared from the continent as Fódlan came to enjoy a new radiant peace. The enmity of two nations long forced into war by hatred and colonization was quelled thanks to Queen Magnolia Václav, and she went on to usher in a new era of stability for every known nation. The process of restoration was long and arduous, but the queen did everything in her power to ensure that no person ever suffered under the horrors of such brutality ever again. The era of prosperity and joy that followed the long conflict was remembered fondly by the pages of history for generations to come much like the queen herself. The flames of war had at long last been calmed by the delicate fall of snow from wintry skies, bringing about the perfection of a new dawn that could never be forgotten or erased.

The credits roll.





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