{Part Two: Azure Moon} Chapter Twenty-Three: Clash of the Revolutionaries I

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At the start of the next moon, You rise to your feet and begin to speak with Seraphine. Her voice echoes in your mind.

Seraphine: This is going to be it, huh? This is the last time that we're going to need to fight if all goes according to plan... There isn't anything that we're going to be able to do that will make our enemy back down. We tried our best to get our foe to side with the concept of peace, but I suppose that it simply wasn't meant to be. All that we can do now is press on and hope that we're able to succeed in the name of our ideals.

You tell her that You are confident your forces will be able to succeed.

Seraphine: I hope that much too... For now, let's see the Blue Lions. From there, we should go and meet with Janae. I know that I'm looking forward to seeing her again after all this time. Our previous meeting wasn't nearly long enough as far as I'm concerned.

You nod your agreement. Seraphine falls silent as You arrive at the cardinals' room. The Blue Lions are gathered inside.

Magnolia: Alright, everyone... This is going to be it. We know what our mission is going to be, and we have to follow through with it. I'm confident that we'll be able to succeed together.

Luciana: We offered our foes the chance for peace, but... They made their decision, and it leaves us with no other choice but to fight them to the best of our ability.

Nora: The remaining members of Malice have been scattered since the previous encounter. That means that we're going to have to try to figure out where they'll be next.

Cassia: If we can defeat their commander, it should be much easier to triumph over everyone else. That's the first step to fixing everything, and we should be able to do it.

Karim: It seems to me like there's nothing else for us to do for now. We'll just have to be ready at any given moment to set out and defeat the commander as soon as he's found.

Reese: I hope that it isn't too long before we uncover the full truth of the situation. From there, it should be swift sailing to the end of the war. This is our final major roadblock.

Kyle: I'm going to make sure that everyone is as prepared as possible for the coming mission. As soon as we get the necessary information back here, we're going to be ready to go.

Aestlyn: It hardly feels real to say that the war is almost over, but... I know that it's true. We're going to defeat the enemy commander, and we're finally going to be free of this nightmare.

Illona: We've all done a lot to come so far. I'm sure that peace is going to be amazing for all of us when it finally arrives... We've waited for it long enough if you ask me.

Falon: You can certainly say that again... Well, we know what we have to do. That should be our cue to disperse for the time being. Isn't that right, Magnolia?

Magnolia: You know me so well, Falon. Be sure to stay safe out there, everyone. You never know when danger could be around the corner, and the last thing I want is to lose anybody so close to the final battle. I'll see you all soon enough. Do what you have to in order to get ready for the final fight. It's going to be coming sooner than we think, and the last thing we want is to be unprepared for it.

You watch as the Blue Lions exit the room and go their separate ways. You turn to Magnolia and ask how she has been feeling.

Magnolia: Hm... That's a good question, if I'm being honest. I didn't know how to answer that a few weeks ago, but... I've made up my mind. Both me and the enemy commander have made our own decisions. I understand that there won't be any persuading him no matter how hard I try. It's tragic, but... I suppose that nothing can be done about it. I won't bend to his wishes to hurt the citizenry of Faerghus, and he won't bend to my wishes to make peace.

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