{Part Two: Azure Moon} Chapter Seventeen: Downtrodden I

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At the start of the next moon, You make your way to the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks to You on the way there.

Seraphine: I'm hoping that we'll be able to take care of the assassins that have been causing us grief as of late... I can tell that everyone's still a bit bothered by the fact that we only dealt with lackeys as opposed to the leaders last moon. I can't blame them in the slightest. The fact that the leaders of the group are still out there wandering is bothersome and concerning... We'll just have to keep going though. Maybe we'll find results soon enough.

Seraphine falls silent as You arrive at the cardinals' room. The Blue Lions are waiting for You there as expected.

Magnolia: Ah, Professor. We're all here now. Time to go over the mission for the coming moon.

Karim: I hope that we're going to be finding a way to go after the assassins that threatened to go after House Chevalier last moon. We can't allow them to roam freely. They understand now that we're going to be working with Lady Chevalier, so that has to give them a motivation to send their stronger forces that direction.

Magnolia: I'm afraid that we can't do that quite yet... Another house within the Kingdom is starting to stir, and I suspect that it's because of our recent actions in Chevalier territory. We need to go and take care of that issue as soon as possible.

Falon: I don't like the idea of leaving this matter alone for any longer than we have to, but I suppose that we don't get much of a say in who we go after right now. We simply go where we're needed.

Luciana: The targets this time are from House Schweighen. The territory has been somewhat troublesome for many years now. They're volatile and tend to keep to themselves, almost as if they're afraid of the others in the Kingdom.

Reese: I don't think that it's being afraid as much as it is simply having brazen confidence. I know the leader of House Schweighen all too well, and he's far too cocky for his own good. We have to be careful moving from here.

Kyle: I suppose it would make sense that you're familiar with the dealings there... You do come from Schweighen territory. Your surname makes it clear that you were involved with the house at some point.

Reese: It's a long story, so I won't bore you with the details. I'll simply say that we need to be cautious.

Cassia: We won't ask you to continue. We should be careful as we move forward. If House Schweighen is as volatile and unpredictable as we've been led to believe, then we'll have to move cautiously.

Nora: We can use this moon as a chance to gather information on the matter of the assassins that caused so many problems for us last time we were out. That way, we'll know exactly where and how to strike when the time comes.

Aestlyn: Perfect. We can direct as many soldiers as we can spare to gathering information, and we'll use everything that we find to our advantage. I'm sure that will do us a lot of good given how much we have left to get done.

Illona: It sounds to me like we've got a plan for what to do next... Is there anything else that we should talk about before we split up? If you ask me, there's at least one other thing that we need to focus on.

Magnolia: As a matter of fact, yes. I want to take this chance to discuss how the other nations of the continent have been doing. A few things have changed since our previous chat.

Luciana: I know what you mean... The current leader of the Alliance is making significant progress on the journey of eliminating Malice forces. It's much faster than anyone could have anticipated.

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