{Part Two: Emerald Tempest} Chapter Seventeen: Protege II

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At the conclusion of the moon, You find yourself traveling to the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I can't stop thinking about it no matter how hard I try... We couldn't possibly be the one that Evenor was referring to in the page about Crescent von Faixnoye, right? I mean... It all seems to add up just a little bit too well, but at the same time... It can't be the case...

You shake your head and say that You have no answer.

Seraphine: But we couldn't have been related to the emperor! We already know who Crescent von Faixnoye is... Was. I somehow doubt that two children of the same man would share a name, especially one as strange and out of the box as that one... It just doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. Evenor renamed you... And you were referred to as Crescent, but... I don't know what to do about this. I don't think that I'll ever have an answer.

You tell her that You will do what You can to power through regardless of your doubts.

Seraphine: I'll trust that you can handle this then... Thank you for everything.

You arrive at the cardinals' room as Seraphine falls silent. The Knights of Seiros are inside waiting for You just as You were expecting.

Cordelia: Professor, it's good to see you. We were just discussing the battle that we're set to be taking care of today.

Yuliya: If you look at this segment of the map here, you can see where we're heading within Faerghus territory.

Derric: There have been Malice soldiers stirring around there, and we have to take care of them.

Rodain: This is the least that we can do for the sake of helping Magnolia. She's under enough pressure as it is.

Miriam: We may not be sure if this is related to our quest to find Lady Aisa yet, but it's still something.

Cassia: This will likely help us to find a valuable ally as well. I somehow doubt that Magnolia would turn us down to begin with, but the fact remains.

Piers: You're correct on that much, I agree... We won't know what awaits us until we set out to face it properly though.

Wynne: We aren't sure what we're going to be finding, so we'll have to be as careful as possible.

Kaeta: So be it then! This can't be too bad, right? We know what we're doing, and we're going to be fine.

Cordelia: We'll do what we can to survive this battle and see tomorrow the same way that we always do. For now, we move out.

You nod and watch as the Knights of Seiros leave the room. Cordelia offers You a brief glance before she leaves as well, and You take this as a silent sign that You will be speaking with her about your recent behavior as soon as the battle draws to a conclusion for the day. However, You will have to wait and face that when the proper time arrives. The mission at hand is still waiting for You, and You refuse to run in the face of this upcoming threat.

When Your party arrives in Faerghus a few hours later, You glance around and try to determine where it is that You are located specifically. You are close to the monastery, and as far as You can tell, the battle is set to take place on the boundary between a few noble territories.

Cordelia: Reports have been saying that there are rumors of people shifting around in this particular area, and I have seen no reason to doubt anything that we've heard up to this point. All we can do is face what we've been given and see what it happens to bring us.

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