{Part Two: Azure Moon} Chapter Nineteen: Laid to Rest II

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At the end of the mission when the moon ends, You make your way to the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: This moon takes us to the border of Faerghus and Leicester to defeat the nobles that are on the run from Alliance territory... I think that we can take care of this without any issues, wouldn't you say?

You nod your agreement and say that You will be doing your best to see victory after the coming fight.

Seraphine: I knew that you were going to say that. Now, let's go and talk with the other Blue Lions. I'm sure that they'd like to hear from us about what's going to be happening next. Plus, we need to set out as soon as possible.

You arrive at the cardinals' room soon afterwards, and Seraphine's voice fades from your mind.

Magnolia: Alright, everyone. It's good to see that you're all here. We're going to be targeting this specific point on the border of Faerghus and Leicester. It's near Goneril territory, but we won't actually be crossing over to the given land.

Luciana: We're targeting this area since it's the easiest region to travel through to reach Faerghus from Leicester. After all, the climate of Faerghus isn't exactly known for being friendly to outsiders, and we believe that this is going to be the perfect spot for us to catch them at.

Aestlyn: That makes sense... Perfect. We're going to have to form a defensive line to catch the troublemakers before they can fully escape what they've done. This could be our last chance to defeat the people responsible for this war... At least partially responsible.

Karim: You're right. I know that I'm ready for what's coming next. There's no way that they're going to be getting past me, and you can consider that much a promise on my part. We've got this under control.

Nora: Imagine if we wound up running into Raithius and Novalee while we're there... That certainly would be interesting. They've been trying to accomplish something similar to us, so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

Reese: Still, I think that we should go into this with the idea that we're going to be taking care of it on our own. We don't want to rely on something that isn't going to wind up happening. We have to be ready on our own merits.

Kyle: That's a given. After we defeated the assassins from the previous moon, I think that we can take on anything. Well, maybe not anything, but pretty close. They're not going to stand a chance compared to us.

Falon: We might be talented soldiers, but caution is still going to be required if we want to make sure that nothing too bad happens... And we need to make sure that we don't cross into Goneril territories.

Illona: House Goneril sided with Malice when the war started, so we're going to have to block the Admoderor lord and lady from crossing over into the nearby lands. That will basically mean that they've gotten away until we can invade Goneril territory.

Cassia: It sounds to me like we have a plan for what we're going to be doing next then. We should move out sooner rather than later so that we can set up a defensive line before they can slip through our grasp.

Magnolia: I agree. Blue Lions, let's move out.

You follow the Blue Lions out of the monastery, noting that Magnolia still seems to be doing far better than she was previously. You smile at the realization that she will likely continue to feel better from this point forward thanks to your conversation the previous moon.

The journey to the border of Faerghus is long, but You eventually arrive at the spot that You believe will help you to stop the Admoderor family's lord and lady from crossing into Faerghus lands. The Blue Lions spread out along the border.

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