{Part One: Cindered Shadows} Chapter One: Unexplained Invaders II

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A few hours have passed since You went to sleep in the small room off the main area of Abyss. You hear a resounding explosion, and You jolt out of sleep when You feel the ground tremble. You look around to see if your students felt it as well. Chris and Illona are already clearly awake while the others are stirring from slumber.

Chris: What was that?!

Illona: Is this another attack?

Raithius: I mean... A powerful enough blast of fire magic could probably cause the ground to shake like that...

Chris: F-Fire?!

Tuncay: Ugh... I wonder if it's always like this down here in Abyss...

Magnolia: Regardless, I want to go and check it out. If something bad has happened, then it means that the professor made the right call when saying that we should stay here for the night.

Sofia: I already have a bad feeling about this, and we haven't even gotten out of bed yet.

You get to your feet as Seraphine appears beside You.

Seraphine: Something is definitely going on here... As much as I hate to admit it, I bet that it's another attack. We should probably go and check in with the Ashen Wolves to make sure they're okay.

Magnolia moves towards the door and reaches for the handle. Her finger is about to grace the metal when the door is roughly thrown open, and You can see someone standing on the other side. It takes a few moments for your tired mind to process that it is none other than Ansel.

Raithius: Professor Veretie... If you're here that must mean that something is wrong.

Ansel: There's another attack. They came in through the same entrance as the last time. Everyone else is already fighting at the arena in the back.

Chris: Again...? This can't be normal. Eli made it seem like this place was so peaceful, and I don't think that constant attacks like this fit that description.

Magnolia: I was thinking the same thing.

Ansel: That's because it isn't regular.

Illona: I wonder why this is all starting up now then...

Sofia: We can ask questions later. For now, we have to get out there and help them out. We can't just leave the Ashen Wolves to deal with this on their own.

Tuncay: My axe is thirsting for the blood of anyone who interrupts a night of sleep.

Raithius: My sword is going to join you there, Tuncay... I hope this is over with fast.

Magnolia: Think about it this way. The sooner we go off and beat up these newcomers, the sooner we can come back here and keep sleeping. How does that sound?

Raithius: You make a strong point... Alright. Let's get going.

You see Ansel dash out of the room and off down the street. After grabbing your sword, You follow them. Your students trail behind You as Seraphine speaks once again.

Seraphine: They have to be after something, right? Why else would they come down here? The question is though... What could have them invading Abyss so suddenly?

You say that You do not know.

Seraphine: I hope we figure it out soon... I'm starting to get worried.

Seraphine disappears as You arrive at the same arena from the night before. The area looks unchanged as far as landscape goes, but You can see that there are countless enemies surrounding the entrance to Abyss. There are too many for your forces to deal with all at once. The Ashen Wolves are already there, and they have formed a semi-circle around the entrance to the underground city.

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