{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Three: Bygone Era II (Blue Lions)

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The day before your mission to track down the soldiers in black, You stand in the Blue Lions homeroom with the students and Reese.

Reese: Nesreen delivered new information to us today. The soldiers in black have been seen moving on a village in Aster territory. We're going to be journeying there to save the village when they strike tomorrow.

Aestlyn: Aster... A village from my home is being terrorized...

Kyle: Not to worry, darling. We won't let anything happen. We'll save everybody there.

Magnolia: Enough people have been hurt by these soldiers as it is... It's time to bring this to an end.

Falon: I agree. Those who find it okay to attack people for their own selfish gains are disgusting.

Illona: We can handle this... We took care of our mission last month, right?

Karim: Exactly. We didn't have any issues there, and we can take care of this too. It'll be a piece of cake.

Cassia: I wouldn't put it so plainly... We're dealing with experienced soldiers. We can't take any risks.

Nora: But we'll be fine. We know what we're doing, and we've been training for this.

Karim: Plus, we're more experienced than we were last month. That's important.

Aestlyn: Yeah... We'll handle it!

Nora: If you say so...

Cassia: We shouldn't get too far ahead of ourselves... That would be a recipe for disaster.

Illona: It's getting late... We should retire for the night. We need to be ready for tomorrow.

Kyle: I must agree... Goodnight, everyone.

Reese: Be ready for the mission tomorrow. We can't afford to take any longer than we need to.

Falon: I can't wait to win this... They're cowards, and it's what they deserve for killing the innocent.

The students all leave alongside Reese save for Magnolia. She stays behind and whispers to You before departing.

Magnolia: If these people really are involved with the death of my father... I'm going to make sure they pay for all they've done. I didn't know him, but I hear he was a good man... He didn't deserve this, and neither did the people who passed away in the recent attacks. Until tomorrow, Professor.

As Magnolia leaves, Seraphine appears at your side.

Seraphine: She seems pretty determined... I can't blame her though. You should get some rest before tomorrow. We don't have a moment to lose. Tomorrow is a big day.

You nod your agreement and make your way back to your room before falling asleep for the night, wondering what the future will hold...

The next morning, You arrive at the class's homeroom, ready to set out on your mission.

Reese: Alright. It's almost time for us to go.

Magnolia: We don't have a moment to lose.

Kyle: It's time for us to save those people, and if we're lucky, take out those soldiers once and for all.

Aestlyn: Too many innocent people have been hurt already...

Karim: Then we'll just have to kick them out! They won't know what hit them.

Falon: Off we go then!

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