{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Two: The Wandering Scholar II (Golden Deer)

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When the end of the month comes, your house stands together in the Golden Deer homeroom. It is the last day before the mission, and You are having one more meeting before going off to meet with Evenor Hepius.

Jill: I'm afraid I have received news about the mission, and it's not good.

Cedric: What happened? Is everything okay?

Jill: I'm afraid not. A small faction of fighters in black armor has appeared and is advancing on Ms. Hepius' home. Nesreen relayed the information earlier today.

William: So... You think she's under attack?

Jill: It's very possible, and there are no guarantees right now.

Lev: This mission was supposed to be peaceful... Of course it didn't work out...

Novalee: I'm just glad we've been preparing for a battle.

Adeline: I mean, we always knew there was a chance this would happen, but...

Raithius: Perhaps we should set out now. She could easily be hurt in between now and when we arrive tomorrow.

Jill: We haven't finished preparing. If we left now, we'd only be putting ourselves at risk, and we wouldn't be able to help her.

Wolfgang: But what if she's in danger?

Jill: Right now, we need you all on top of your game, so you need to rest.

Lev: I have a bad feeling about all of this...

Jill: For now, get some sleep. We'll deal with tomorrow when it comes.

Sofia: We'll be able to take care of it. I know it.

Jill: We'll talk about full details tomorrow. For now, class is dismissed.

The students all leave the classroom to head back to their dorms. Raithius looks to You as she passes.

Raithius: Goodnight, Professor. Don't worry too much. We'll be okay. Nothing will go horribly wrong on my watch.

He leaves as Seraphine appears. You walk back to your room.

Seraphine: A last minute fight, huh? We should have seen it coming that something was going to go wrong... For now, we should sleep. We're no use to anyone if we're exhausted.

You agree with Seraphine and return to your room before going to sleep for the night...

The next morning, You meet with the students of the Golden Deer and Jill once more before setting out on your mission.

Jill: Our destination is the Empire. Ms. Hepius lives away from the nearby villages, but it's still close enough to Garreg Mach that we'll be arriving this afternoon.

Adeline: I know she'll probably be okay, but I can't help my concern. What if we're too late?

Sofia: I know we'll be okay. Worrying won't help anyone. Take a deep breath.

Adeline: Thank you for the assurance, Sofia. I needed that.

Sofia: It's my pleasure. I just wanted to make you feel better.

William: If we're all ready, it's time for us to set out.

Cedric: You make a good point.

Wolfgang: Worrying won't do us any good. We'll take care of things when we get there. Until then, we should do our best to focus on the business aspect.

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