{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Eight: Echoes of Crescent I (Blue Lions)

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You wake up at the start of the Red Wolf Moon and get to your feet. Seraphine manifests at your side as You go towards Aisa's audience chamber.

Seraphine: Here's to hoping we don't have to put up with any arrogant nobles or troublesome gang members... We've had enough of that. If we see anything like that, I might just have to sink into the ground and never come back out. You'll have to forgive me if I leave you in such a way.

You walk into the audience chamber as Seraphine disappears.

Aisa: Greetings, Professor.

Roy: We have received new information about a stir in Empire territory.

Aisa: At first, we suspected it was Thaddeus Bazler resurfacing again after all this time. He still hasn't been seen publicly since he was kicked out of his territory.

Roy: That was roughly four months ago now. It's incredible that he managed to evade being seen for all this time.

Aisa: I do not want to ask about how he managed to do that...

Roy: Regardless, near Bazler's old estate, many odd groups have been seen coming and going. None of the other nobles of the Empire have moved to stop them.

Aisa: They have all been moving swiftly enough to avoid being spotted by most people, but a few informants have sent messages back to the church to say what has happened.

Roy: This month, your job is to investigate the disturbances in the area. We don't want to allow any of these forces to make moves towards the monastery.

Aisa: Many of these groups are familiar. One wears the distorted Crest of Seiros, a sign of Malice in the Adrestian Empire. Another's armor matches the group that assassinated Franz Josefa nearly two decades ago. You saw one group just last month as part of the group that attacked in Columbus territory. Next, there are mages... Mages last seen when Herwig and Florence were taken.

Roy: The final group is wholly unfamiliar to us, but they seem to be against the church.

Aisa: We cannot say for sure what they have said against the Church of Seiros, but...

Roy: It's something. We would like your help in eliminating this group of Malice forces before things spiral out of control.

Aisa: A lot has happened already, and we do not want anything to get worse.

Roy: We'll be sending whichever class you select to teach along with you. That being said, you should make your choice.

Aisa: So, Professor... What will it be?

You ponder your options for a moment before deciding to go with the Blue Lions house.

Aisa: The Blue Lions will be your house this month?

You nod.

Roy: In that case, you should get on over there.

You start to walk towards the door.

Aisa: Professor, wait. We forgot to tell you something.

Roy: Ah, yes... You will be joined this month by a knight. Her name is Yuliya. She will be with you from here on out.

Aisa: We still would like to have a majority of the knights here at the monastery in case something bad happens, but sending a few with you each month surely would not hurt.

Roy: We trust you to lead her well with your other students.

Aisa: Until we meet again, Professor.

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