{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Ten: Artificial Strength I (Black Eagles)

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On the first day of the Guardian Moon, You wake up and start to make your way to the audience chamber. Seraphine appears and walks with You.

Seraphine: Maybe we should start asking around about Crescent... The best person to ask would be Evenor, but we don't exactly have access to her at the moment. Maybe we could see about Rhian as well... I somehow doubt anybody here would know about either of them, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to see.

You nod your agreement as You arrive at your destination. Seraphine disappears as You approach Aisa and Roy.

Aisa: Good morning, Professor. How are you doing on this fine morning?

You say that You are doing well.

Aisa: I'm glad to hear it...

Roy: This month, your mission will be to find out more about the mages who kidnapped Florence and Herwig a few months ago.

Aisa: I'm afraid we didn't know anything more about them, so we didn't have anyone go after them, but the time has come.

Roy: You will be heading deep into Adrestia to a hideout they have underground.

Aisa: We don't know much else about them...

Roy: They are clearly involved with Malice, but we don't know why they took Florence.

Aisa: Even if they were interested in her Crest, we don't know what happened while she was their captive.

Roy: She doesn't remember much of anything from that time.

Aisa: Your mission will be to find out what their motives are.

Roy: We would like to know who is leading them as well, though this may prove to be difficult to find out.

Aisa: Regardless, the time has come for you to make your decision about which house you wish to follow for the month.

Roy: Which one will it be?

You think about it for a moment before settling with the Black Eagless.

Aisa: Are you sure this is the choice you wish to make?

You nod.

Roy: You should go and talk to them at this time.

Aisa: We will be eagerly awaiting the information you uncover after the mission.

Roy: Until then, have a nice day.

You nod and leave the audience chamber.

Seraphine: Hm... The mages who took Florence... I think there was one more weird thing about them. Each one of them had a random Crest they realistically could not have had access to. That must be why they're sending us out. They want to know where all of these random Crests came from. Either way, that can wait. I want to know more about Crescent for now. Let's start asking around as soon as we finish talking to the kids.

You nod your agreement as You enter the Black Eagles homeroom.

Herwig: It's good to see you, Professor.

Chris: Do you know what our plan is for the month?

You explain the month's mission to the students.

Hegias: We're supposed to see the odd mages...

Florence: I've certainly been curious about them up to this point.

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