{Part One: White Clouds} Bright Future (Kaeta x Rodain)

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You are in the Officers Academy courtyard when You see Rodain walking by. You wonder where he could be going, so You approach him and ask.

Rodain: Hey, Professor. I'm going to take care of some bandits that have been harassing a nearby town. The people have been struggling thanks to what the bandits have been doing, and the Knights of Seiros are supposed to take care of it. I'm taking a few trainees along with me to drive the bandits out.

Kaeta appears and walks up to stand next to You.

Rodain: Good afternoon, Kaeta. I take it you were listening in on our conversation?

Kaeta: Sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard you were going to take care of some bandits. You also said that you were bringing along some trainees to give them extra experience.

Rodain: You heard correctly... I think I already know where this is going.

Kaeta: What makes you say that?

Rodain: You're a trainee, and you're always looking for a chance to fight since it will help you improve. You want to come along with me to get rid of the bandits, don't you?

Kaeta: Perhaps you know me better than I thought, Rodain... Why did I bother feigning innocence when you were just going to see right through my attempts anyways?

Rodain: At least you admit that it was rather obvious... Still, I wouldn't mind bringing you along. If you wanted to join me, I would let you. There's no reason for me to stop you from coming.

Kaeta: Really?! Awesome! In that case, I do want to join you. I haven't really made a name for myself within the knights yet, but that's going to change soon. Maybe this is going to be my first step to becoming a powerful knight under Captain Torryn.

Rodain: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step... And sometimes, that step just so happens to be beating up a bunch of bandits to save innocent villagers.

Kaeta: I doubt that's common when it comes to self-improvement, but... Regardless, I do want to come along. When are we leaving?

Rodain: Soon. I don't see any reasons to stick around here when there's work to be done out there.

Kaeta: How about you, Professor? Do you want to come with us? I doubt Rodain would object to it if you wanted to join us.

Rodain: Besides, you would set a great example for the trainees. They haven't been able to see you in action before, and I think it would be rather productive.

You say that You would love to join them.

Rodain: Great. In that case, gather your supplies and any troops you want to bring along. We'll be leaving soon. The longer we stay idle, the more people get hurt because of those bandits.

Kaeta: They're going to regret ever laying a hand on anyone once we're done with them!

You thank Rodain and Kaeta for inviting You before setting out to prepare your students and weapons.

A few hours later, You stand outside a small village near Garreg Mach. A river can be seen near the entrance.

Rodain: Alright. This is the place.

Kaeta: I bet the bandits have been using the river to keep coming back here.

Rodain: It wouldn't surprise me if they were using it to navigate back to the same village each time.

Kaeta: All that we can do now is beat the bad guys up so that the innocent people will be saved! They've suffered enough up to this point, and I want to make sure that they're feeling better in the future.

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