{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Ten: Artificial Strength II (Golden Deer)

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The day of the mission, You wake up and see Seraphine beside You.

Seraphine: I have a bad feeling about all of this... I don't know how to describe it. Be sure to bring Sirius along today, alright? I don't want to lose because we don't have it.

You take Seraphine's advice and grab Sirius from its place against the wall. You know it is odd for Seraphine to be so uncomfortable, so You decide to take her words to heart. She disappears as You sheath the blade and place it at your hip. You walk to the Golden Deer classroom as soon as You are finished. Inside, You see the students alongside Jill, Kaeta, Nesreen, Yuliya, and Adrian.

Jill: Well, it's time to figure out what those mages have been up to.

Adeline: I really want to know what's going on.

Cedric: We'll be sure to find out more today.

Nesreen: Lady Aisa wants as much information as we can gather.

Novalee: They won't escape this time.

Sofia: They were lucky before, but that won't apply this time.

William: The Church of Seiros will make sure they don't get away.

Lev: The idea of this doesn't sit well with me.

Raithius: Don't worry a bit, Lev. I'll be here to keep you safe.

Wolfgang: Should we get going now?

Kaeta: I don't see a reason not to.

Yuliya: Welcome to the hell hole, Adrian.

Adrian: I'm sure I'll have fun here.

Reese: Is everyone prepared for the coming battle?

Novalee: I believe that to be the case, yes.

Adeline: I wish I knew what was waiting for us.

Sofia: They could have Crests, as much as I hate to say it.

William: We'll get a reason why if that is the case.

Cedric: Since there aren't any people at risk of dying, the church will pursue them no matter what.

Lev: I'm impressed you can be so confident.

Wolfgang: We've got this. Promise.

Raithius: Why are we still here? Let's get to it!

Yuliya: Probably because you kids wanted to talk for a little while longer.

Nesreen: Let's stop that then.

Kaeta: Of course!

Adrian: I'm happy to lend my aid to you for the time being.

Raithius: If we're all ready, let's head out. The battle awaits us.

You nod and watch as the group leaves the room. You take up the tail end of the party, though You pause when You hear a voice behind You.

Janae: W-Wait!

You turn around to face her.

Janae: I... I would like to come with you. I fear we will be unable to speak unless we are both free of the monastery, and now is the best time... May I accompany you on your mission?

Seraphine: If this will get us some answers, of course. I want to know what's going on.

You nod to Janae.

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