{Part One: Cindered Shadows} Chapter Two: Distant Legends II

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A few hours have passed, and You are getting ready to set out for your mission to obtain the Chalice of Beginnings from the Chasm of the Bound. Seraphine stands beside You in the room that You are sharing with the rest of your students. She is talking, and even if the rest of the students are in there with You, none of them are able to hear her.

Seraphine: I'm excited to see what this could possibly have in store with us... Aren't you? Imagine how this is going to turn out. I have to wonder if these guys are really after the Chalice of Beginnings... And if they are, will they stop when we take it to the church? They won't have a reason to come back to Abyss searching for it, but if they don't know that the Chalice isn't here, then this could continue... Regardless, it isn't like we have any other choice, so we might as well go for it.

You do not reply to Seraphine, and You are sure that she understands why. Since your students are in the room, You do not want to talk to her and alert them to her presence since they are unable to see her. You remain silent as You place a few vulneraries into a small bag of supplies. Seraphine continues to talk.

Seraphine: I hope that things get better for the people of Abyss soon. They really don't deserve to suffer like this. They seem to have good protectors in the form of the Ashen Wolves, and it would be a real shame if one of them died while trying to protect their home. I bet that Abyss means a lot to them, and I don't want them to get hurt while keeping this place safe.

Magnolia: I hope that this solves the issue of the invasions on Abyss... I feel bad for everyone here who has had to suffer due to this. I get the feeling that it's a recent issue, and I hate to see people struggling when they don't need to.

Raithius: I feel the same. Nobody deserves to suffer, so we'll just have to make sure that everything turns out alright for their sakes.

Illona: I have a bad feeling about this Chalice of Beginnings thing. What if it winds up causing more problems than it solves?

Sofia: I think bringing back the dead is as interesting as the next girl, but... I don't know. Something about this just seems fishy to me.

Tuncay: It's not like we have any other options here...

Chris: I'm a bit more curious about some members of the Ashen Wolves themselves, to be perfectly honest.

Tuncay: What makes you say that?

Chris: I've seen some of them activate Crests during battle, but... They aren't like any Crests that I've ever seen. I looked through a book about Crests in the library earlier, but some of the pages were torn out. It's as if someone wants to keep them secret.

Sofia: You know what that seems to fit the description of?

Illona: The four Crests used to carry out the Rite of Rising...

Raithius: I don't know if we can entirely say that this is the case right now... I mean, every book about Crests states that these are the ones that have been discovered so far. There is always the possibility that there's something out there to show that there's another Crest.

Magnolia: After all, Unio was only discovered recently when members of our class went to visit with Evenor Hepius... I suppose it is possible that these Crests are not the same ones mentioned in the book about the Rite of Rising.

Sofia: Even if they were, I don't think we have any pictures to compare the symbols to anyways. We can't really prove that these are the Crests involved, so we don't really have any basis to stand on here.

Illona: If the Crests they do have are involved with the Rite of Rising, then we could be in some serious trouble should the enemy find out.

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