{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Nine: Divine Salvation I (Ashen Wolves)

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You descend into Abyss while exploring the monastery. You begin to look around to see if You can find any of the Ashen Wolves.

You head to the library first, running into Ernst once there.

Ernst: It's so strange how everyone can grow so excited over something like a ball when peril seems to be imminent... I suppose I've never been fond of parties, so it's natural that I would be rather hesitant... Others seem eager to attend, and if the rest of the Ashen Wolves are... Perhaps I'll have to put in an appearance as well.

You leave the library and head to the Wilting Rose Inn. You see Ansel inside and approach them.

Ansel: A party? I don't know if that's the best idea given what has been happening as of late, but perhaps it could be fun... I'll have to do my best to keep these rowdy kids under control. Who knows what they'll do if they sneak out to enjoy the festivities? Chaos could ensue. Imagine!

You approach Saias, who is also inside of the tavern, next.

Saias: I've been rather tense ever since last month... It feels like we're just getting closer to doom, but people still find it in them to be festive... I don't understand it in the slightest, but I suppose that it doesn't hurt to find some light within the darkness... Maybe I could try it sometime...

You head to Burrow Street, running into Grey next.

Grey: Even if most people of Abyss don't go to the parties at this time of year, you can still feel everyone get happier. The tension in the air seems to greatly lessen when the parties roll around. Things up there do have an impact on what goes on down here, and to pretend that isn't the case would be foolish.

You walk up to Gabriel soon afterwards.

Gabriel: I've been to the ball a few times since I've been living in Abyss all my life. I've always had fun, even if it can get to be a bit loud. It's nice to see people enjoying themselves without a care in the world. It's a way to step away from the suffering of the rest of the world, I suppose.

You approach the final person on Burrow Street, Magnus, next.

Magnus: I don't understand how these fools can be so excited for a party... We're on the brink of disaster, but they insist on celebrating? I've never understood that mindset... Oh, well. I suppose that people will continue on as they were, regardless of how illogical it may be.

You go to Chrysalis Row, finding Quinn in the scrap room.

Quinn: The festivities are rather memorable as far as I have heard. I believe that they will serve us well. Even if we don't wind up going ourselves, others will have their spirits lifted, and any small help to our general morale will go a long way... The people of Abyss deserve this.

You head to the girls' dorm room next, running into Taiyin once You arrive.

Taiyin: I've always wondered what a party like this would be like. I haven't been to one before, but I think it would be a nice experience to have. Music, singing, dancing, food, talking... It sounds rather nice, but I'm not sure how it will play out. Here's to hoping it all goes well!

You go to the Ashen Wolves classroom after finishing up on Chrysalis Row. There, You run into Eli.

Eli: The rest of the Ashen Wolves seem to fall into one of two categories... They're very excited for the party or don't know why it's happening... I find myself in the former category. It's good to take a deep breath and relax every once in a while, you know? I hope this doesn't go wrong. We deserve to enjoy ourselves for once given all that's happened!

You finally head to the Pagan Altar, seeing Tsubasa in the small room upon arriving.

Tsubasa: Imagine how many people will be at the monastery for this ball... People are forgetting about everything else in favor of imagining how this party is going to go. I don't understand how they can do it, but perhaps I'm simply on the tense side. I have been told before that I need to relax... Maybe this is what everyone was talking about when they said that.

After You finish looking around Abyss, You head back to the surface to continue looking around the monastery. 


Cross posting chapter twelve is going to take a while


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