{Part One: Cindered Shadows} Chapter Three: Gold Lined in Blood I

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You arrive back at Abyss and decide to continue your preparations to set out for the Chalice of Beginnings. Starting at the front of the underground city, You begin to wander around to see if anyone else requires your presence.

First, You head towards the library. Inside, You notice Ernst studying a bookcase.

Ernst: I think I'm coming closer to finding the hidden passageway that will point us in the right direction... Just a little bit more digging into the books here in the library will hopefully give me the information we need to enter the passageway to the Chalice... At the very least, that's what I'm hoping, but there's no way to say for sure if it will actually go that way.

You approach the next person within the library, Magnus.

Magnus: I wonder how much this Chalice is truly capable of. It clearly has the power to bring back the dead, but perhaps it can do something else as well... Once we do find it, I might have to conduct a few experiments before we hand it over to the church... What? I'll be careful.

You leave the library and head towards the Wilting Rose Inn. You see Raithius standing inside.

Raithius: I've been asking around here to see if anybody knows fully how to navigate the labyrinth that Abyss is part of, but nobody has ever gotten through the full thing. Some people have gone out to find answers and never returned... I guess that just means that we'll have to be extra careful when we go out investigating.

You approach the other person inside the tavern, Ansel.

Ansel: I don't know as much about Abyss as I probably should. I've been here for a few years, but I can't say much more than that. Going out into the tunnels without a map is the dumbest thing anybody could possibly hope to do, and I like to think that I'm above something like that... Or at least, I was until this damned Chalice popped up.

You leave behind the Wilting Rose Inn and head to Burrow Street. You encounter Tsubasa standing alone there.

Tsubasa: I've stolen a lot of things in my time, but I don't think I've ever taken anything that could qualify as a treasure from the goddess herself. Maybe I won't be able to spend time at her side in the afterlife, but honestly, I'm more concerned with keeping people safe now. The consequences can wait.

You move further down Burrow Street, running into Gabriel along the way.

Gabriel: I didn't know anything about the Chalice of Beginnings up until recently. It was an extremely well-kept secret until Ernst went digging... I swear, he could find out just about anything if you gave him the right resources... Uncovering a forbidden ritual has to be worth something for him, right?

You walk towards the final person on Burrow Street, Saias.

Saias: I really hope this doesn't get us in any trouble with the church... I've heard that Lady Aisa is a reasonable woman, but it's still probably frowned upon to go snooping to find an ancient artifact. It was sealed away for a reason, and I hope that reason doesn't get us in too much trouble.

You move towards Chrysalis Row. You see Sofia standing in the hallway there.

Sofia: I have to wonder if all of us going out to find this Chalice is a good idea. What if something happens to Abyss while we're gone? I mean, it's probably for the best if we stay together to make sure nothing bad happens, but... I'm still worried. After all, this could wind up being a matter of life and death.

You walk into the Scrap Room after finishing your conversation with Sofia. You see Tuncay standing inside.

Tuncay: If we're going to be spending a little extra time in Abyss, I might as well use it to my advantage. I bet I could make us some amazing weapons with all these extra supplies. We can use all the help that we can get, and I'm sure that these will be a lot of help... I can't wait to get started!

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