{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Eighteen: Shattered Ties I

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When the next moon begins, You move towards the cardinals' room for the regular meeting with the Golden Deer at the start of each month. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I wonder what we're going to jump into now... After all, we know that we have a few other noble houses to take care of, but I somehow doubt Raithius is going to be heading into that right off the bat. Maybe he's gotten distracted with the map we found at House Goneril. It certainly wouldn't surprise me... Still, I guess we won't know until we go and ask.

Seraphine stops talking as You arrive at the cardinals' room. The rest of the group is waiting for You inside, and Raithius is leaned over the map that You uncovered on the previous mission.

Jill: Hello, Professor... It's good that you're here. We've figured out something important.

Cedric: Raithius was able to find the reason behind the map feeling odd. He says that this will lead us into the next mission.

Raithius: That's because it will. I realized what I found so strange about this map, and it's important for us to take care of it.

Novalee: This is a map of where Malice forces are located across the continent, but there's a stronghold in Leicester that we weren't aware of.

William: I think I understand what you're saying now... We've figured out where the stronghold is, so we've got to head in and see what's going on there, right?

Wolfgang: Exactly. It will cut off reinforcements from the remaining territories we have to take back, and we'll be able to seize what's left of Leicester with ease.

Lev: I think I see the stronghold you're talking about... It's right there, isn't it? By House Admoderor?

Adeline: Yes, it is... In other words, we're getting closer to toppling my home territory.

Sofia: If you need anything, all you need to do is say so. You know how supportive this group is.

Adeline: You would know it better than anyone, I would say... Still, I appreciate hearing it.

Raithius: This stronghold has to bear some sort of significance. I can't imagine why else it would be marked here.

Jill: We should make it our next priority then. I assume that's where you're going with this, yes?

Novalee: It is. We're going to dedicate this moon to planning our invasion of this stronghold.

Wolfgang: Sounds like a great plan to me. We can totally take care of that.

William: Still, I think it would be a good idea to exercise caution going into this. You can never be too careful.

Lev: You're right on that for sure... We'll do what we have to in order to succeed and stay safe.

Sofia: In other words, we've got ourselves a plan, so I'd say we're making progress.

Cedric: Now, I think there's one other important matter for us to cover before this meeting draws to a close.

Jill: I would agree. Wolfgang, have you heard anything new from the rest of the continent?

Wolfgang: I have, as a matter of fact... Enbarr has been seized down in the Adrestian territory. The city has fallen to the rebellion.

Cedric: Are... Are you being serious?! The rebellion actually managed to win the battle there?!

Lev: I don't know what I expected to hear, but it most certainly was not that.

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