{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Sixteen: Collapse at Last II

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The day of the mission arrives at long last, and You make your way over to the cardinals' room where the rest of the Golden Deer are waiting. Seraphine speaks to You on the way.

Seraphine: This is it... Even with our past victories, this feels like something completely different. We're really going to be marching on the second-largest house in the Alliance... I don't know how I feel about this.

Before You have the chance to offer her a response, You arrive at your destination.

Raithius: Good to see you, Professor. Are we ready to head out, everybody?

Wolfgang: I think the preparations are complete already... Give us the plan, Raith.

Raithius: Alright. There are three prominent figures we need to take out today: Uther, Antony, and Symond Goneril. They're the house leader and his two children respectively. All of them have immense military power, so we had best not hold back when we come to arms against them.

Novalee: None of them are going to be like Conrad. They aren't going to want to betray their homeland for the sake of joining our cause.

Cedric: Speaking of Conrad, how is he doing, Sofia? Do you think he'll be alright today?

Sofia: Yeah, I wouldn't worry about him. He's a tough kid, and he's settling down nicely.

Jill: How are we going to take out those three? They're clearly going to cause us a few problems if we aren't careful.

Raithius: We're simply going to have to calculate our moves carefully. There's no real easy way to defeat them using the landscape to our advantage like with Ruden territory. We're going to have to be as cautious as possible while pressing on.

William: I understand. We're going to be up against the most powerful fighters at their disposal...

Lev: I get the feeling there's a catch to this fight... After all, you haven't mentioned the leader of the house's other half.

Adeline: He's right. The territory is split along the border of Faerghus and Leicester, but you've only mentioned those involved with the Leicester side of the house.

Raithius: There's a good reason for that. We're only attacking the Leicester side right now. There's not going to be a chance for any of them to call for reinforcements, so it should make our lives at least a little bit easier. We can't afford to attack both of the groups at once, I'm afraid to say.

Sofia: I get the feeling I know what our mission for next month is going to be already, and we haven't even set out to finish our current job yet.

Novalee: And you would be correct. After we take care of the Leicester half of House Goneril, the Faerghus half will be weakened. That will allow us to swoop in, defeat its leader, and hopefully form an alliance with Magnolia in the process.

William: Magnolia made herself out to be rather logical when we were students at the academy. I can't imagine that she would turn down our offer like that.

Lev: I feel the same way, but we won't know until we put our plan into action next month. For the time being, perhaps we should focus on the current mission.

Jill: Is there anything else that we should know before setting out? The sooner we can take care of this, the better.

Raithius: Nope. That should about cover everything. The last-minute preparations are starting now, you hear?

Adeline: I'll finish packing up the last of the supplies. Afterwards, we'll be ready to march on Goneril lands.

Cedric: It still doesn't feel real that we're truly doing this, but... I suppose that it couldn't be avoided.

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