{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Fourteen: Step Towards Daybreak II

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You wake up the day of the mission and make your way to the cardinals' room. When You arrive, You find the Golden Deer waiting for You there. Raithius and Novalee are standing at the front of the room with the rest of the group gathered nearby.

Raithius: Ah, Professor. It's good to see you here. We were just discussing the plan for the next battle.

Novalee: I'm afraid we come with poor news...

Raithius: There's unfortunately a blockade keeping us from reaching the Ruden lands anytime soon. It seems that we're going to have to wait a bit longer before we march on the territory.

Novalee: Allow me to draw your attention to this point on the map. This marker here is meant to indicate the existence of a fortress where Malice soldiers are coming from.

Sofia: It's in the way of the monastery and Ruden lands. That's where the problem comes in, yes?

Wolfgang: It sure seems that way. We're going to have to charge past them the best we can, though I doubt it will really be that easy.

William: If they insist on being an issue, we're going to have to fight through them.

Lev: We can do this... It's just like five years when we were students at the academy. We fought alongside each other, and we were able to accomplish so much.

Cedric: I agree with Lev here. We've already proven ourselves to be strong fighters as a team with the thieves not long ago.

Jill: Still, we must not grow too comfortable in our skills. The enemy will take any chance they possibly can to exploit our weaknesses, so we can't show any cracks in the armor.

Adeline: Yeah... But we can at least do our best for now. The fortress will fall today.

Raithius: I'm glad you all understand the dilemma. We'll officially charge into Ruden lands next time we set out. We aren't sure how many soldiers or supplies the enemy will have access to today, so we had best not underestimate them. It might be best to take them out in a swift attack, take time to recuperate, and then go back to Leicester to take out Ruden's leading family.

Novalee: We don't have a moment to hesitate. They don't know we're coming, but the element of surprise will only do so much for us in the heat of the moment. We should take advantage of our high spirits.

Jill: Alright. I'll do what I can to take care of the remaining business.

Wolfgang: Sounds good to me. They won't know what hit them.

You watch as most of the Golden Deer leave. Raithius and Novalee are the only ones left behind afterwards, and You look to them in curiosity, asking if something is wrong.

Raithius: No, nothing is wrong... I was just thinking about how quickly we've all slipped back into our old routines.

Novalee: In the past five years, we wound up splitting up, and there was no point after the Battle of Garreg Mach where all of us were together. All of a sudden, things seem to be back to normal, and it's incredible.

Raithius: Exactly. I love seeing the Golden Deer back together again. It's a good thing everyone decided to come back here for the thousandth anniversary of the monastery's construction. Even if the festivities were canceled, at least we're back together.

Novalee: And on top of all that, you're back here. Times truly are becoming serendipitous, wouldn't you say?

Raithius: That's exactly what I was thinking.

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