{Part One: Cindered Shadows} Endgame: The Risen

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You stare up at the large Demonic Beast that was created by the Chalice, Anaxa, and the corpse of Nemesis. You are not sure of what else You can do aside from fight, and the rest of your comrades seem to agree. You all begin to attack it with everything that You have, though it is clear that the Demonic Beast will not be falling easily. Still, You persist.

After You remove a quarter of the monster's health, the following dialogue plays out.

Eli: It looks like we're starting to make some progress...

Saias: We should continue on as we are.

Taiyin: I didn't expect this thing to be so difficult to defeat...

Ansel: Given its size, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised...

After You remove a second quarter of the monster's health, the following dialogue plays out.

Quinn: There's a bit more.

Grey: It's starting to get weaker.

Illona: Who knew that this thing had so much power...?

Magnolia: I know, right? I mean, we can see that it's huge, but... Still...

After You remove a third quarter of the monster's health, the following dialogue plays out.

Raithius: I think it's getting closer to finally coming down!

Chris: I hope that you're right... Fighting this thing is starting to wear me down...

Tsubasa: It can't take all of these hits. We have to be weakening it.

Gabriel: I'm sure we are, but how much longer will it take to topple?

After You remove the final quarter of the monster's health, the following dialogue plays out.

Sofia: Is... Is that it?

Tuncay: I think it's finally been defeated...!

Ernst: At long last...

Magnus: Took it long enough...

The Demonic Beast begins to change shape once again, and You instinctively grip your sword a bit tighter in preparation of more fighting. However, the beast begins to shrink, and the black energy gives way to show the corpses of Nemesis and Anaxa, both horribly mutilated. The Chalice bounces on the floor before coming to a halt at your feet, and You slowly reach over to pick it up.

Eli: Finally... It's all over...

Ernst: I don't see any other soldiers nearby... It seems that we really have done it.

Saias: Who knew the Chalice was capable of all that...?

Taiyin: Can we get rid of it now? I don't want that thing in Abyss if it can turn people into monsters!

Gabriel: I'm inclined to agree. I'm sure Lady Aisa can keep it safe.

Grey: Plus, it'll keep us safe from being abducted again if people want the Chalice.

Magnus: I just wish I could make them pay again for having the audacity to take us in the first place.

Quinn: For now, let's get back to the monastery. I don't want to stay here any longer than we already have.

Ansel: I'm sure the knights can clean this place up later.

Tsubasa: Getting the Chalice back to the church is our first priority. Everything else can wait until after that demonic cup is gone.

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