{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Six: Tainted Memories I (Golden Deer)

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When the next month, the Horsebow Moon, begins, You wake up and head towards the room where Aisa and Roy usually are. Seraphine speaks to You as You walk.

Seraphine: I can't help but wonder what we'll be up to this time around... Maybe we'll have to do something involving Columbus territory since the lord there is supposedly involved with Bazler. Maybe it's time for us to track down Bazler since Florence and Herwig have been found. Maybe we're finally going to find the people who knocked us out the day we recovered that memory of the past... I'm sick of waiting around for something like that to happen. Can't we just hear the truth already?

You cannot help but agree with Seraphine about being tired of waiting without seeing many results. However, You know that You do not get to decide the mission, so You approach Aisa and Roy to ask for what they want You to do.

Aisa: It's good to see you, Professor. It's time for us to give you the next month's mission.

Roy: We were going to send you to Columbus territory to investigate the lord's involvement with Lord Bazler, but we need more time to gather information. For right now, we want you to do something else within Leicester territory.

Seraphine: Great. Another month where we don't get any answers. This is starting to get a wee bit frustrating. Can't we catch a break every once in a while?

Aisa: We have reason to believe that Malice has appeared in Leicester, something that has happened before...

Roy: Malice has committed two major crimes in Leicester as far as we are aware, though both of them were ultimately swept under the rug. The first had the younger of the two sons in the Alliance being attacked and nearly killed. This caused Leicester to go on high alert to try and find the culprits, but nobody was ever officially revealed to be the culprit.

Aisa: However, since they were dressed in black, it seems clear as day to me that they were involved with Malice... However, this wasn't the only time they appeared before the Alliance territory.

Roy: The second time, an important family in Leicester was targeted. It was the family of the military leader in the Alliance. Each member of the family was killed, found dead in their house. The culprit was never found, but there were a few scraps of fabric left behind that seemed to have distorted Crest emblems carved into them.

Seraphine: Why are we just now hearing about this?

You ask why Aisa and Roy never brought this up sooner.

Aisa: We weren't sure if it was true or not... We needed some extra time to confirm our suspicions.

Roy: Not much information was released about either attack, meaning we had to go back to square one to investigate the incidents.

Seraphine: Why would it be pushed under the rug like that...? That certainly seems odd, if you ask me.

Aisa: Regardless of how long it took us to come to this conclusion, the fact remains that you'll be following one of the three houses to victory this coming month. Hopefully, you'll be able to gather information about Malice involvement in the Alliance, and if you can find important details, we'll be able to press on and perhaps find the people behind this.

Roy: I'm afraid we're struggling to tie up loose ends with Malice in other nations at the moment. There hasn't been enough for us to go off to find Marcus from Faerghus or Bazler from Adrestia, leaving us in a bit of a tight spot.

Seraphine: So, in other words, we get this, or we have to deal with just going at it without help... Damn.

Aisa: So, Professor... What will it be?

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