{Part Two: Emerald Tempest} Chapter Eighteen: Ascend I

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You wake up the next moon and get to your feet. Seraphine speaks to You as your journey to the cardinals' room begins.

Seraphine: I feel better after taking the chance to talk to Captain Torryn about everything... I didn't expect that to do so much to help, but... I think that was exactly what we needed to hear. We're going to find the truth one of these days. I'm sure of it. All we have to do is keep pushing and see where this path takes us.

You nod as You arrive at the cardinals' room. You see the Knights of Seiros gathered there together as expected.

Cordelia: Now that we're all here, I think that it's time for us to get started when it comes to our next mission.

Wynne: What exactly are we going to be doing from here? We still don't have any leads on what to do next.

Cordelia: We're going to head back to Faerghus and see what we can do there. I believe that it would benefit all of us to do what we can to pitch in and help to end the influence of Malice as soon as possible, and that seems to be our best option right now.

Piers: We're walking on thin ice when it comes to the Empire, and given how well the progression of battle is coming along in Leicester...

Miriam: Faerghus is our best option. We'll do what we can to crush Malice between our own forces and the army of Faerghus.

Kaeta: Sounds like a plan to me. I'm sure that we'll be able to show what we're capable of in full soon enough.

Cassia: Where is that we're going to be striking first? Do we have any ideas on where we'll be headed next?

Cordelia: As of right now, not yet. I think it would be more effective to wait until after we've gotten closer to the time of the mission.

Yuliya: We'll go where we're needed most, in other words... I think that would be the best option for us too.

Derric: Then we'll see where the path takes us as we push forward. We can prepare to charge into Faerghus from here.

Rodain: Our last mission truly did go well when it came to defeating those who have been causing issues for us, I must say.

Cordelia: It's only a matter of time before we're able to knock out those who have been causing so many problems. This is where we're going to be starting, and there's still a lot left before we're able to consider our work finished.

Wynne: In that case, we'll just have to show off how much we can do before they can gather any extra strength.

Rodain: They aren't going to know what hit them. I trust that we'll be able to do more in terms of saving Faerghus this moon even if we don't have a conclusive plan yet.

Yuliya: We do have a plan, and right now, that plan involves waiting. There isn't anything wrong with that.

Derric: I'm looking forward to being able to make more of a difference... But I do have to admit that the Empire still concerns me.

Cassia: There's still a lot going on over there, and the behavior of the emperor makes that much perfectly clear.

Piers: We're lucky that we haven't seen any pushback for having to fight against the emperor quite yet.

Kaeta: I suppose that the commander has been busy as of late when it comes to handling the rebellion.

Miriam: A lot has been happening in that corner of the continent. It will be quite a while before the emperor is ready to continue the charge.

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