{Part Two: Azure Moon} Chapter Fifteen: Disciple of Damnation I

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When the next moon begins, You wake up and start to move to the cardinals' room. When You arrive, the Blue Lions are already gathered inside.

Magnolia: It's good to see you, Professor. We were just about to discuss our mission for the coming month.

Luciana: A report has come back from the soldiers that were left behind to investigate the scene of the field that we charged through in our last battle. If everyone is ready, I think we're ready to share our findings.

Falon: Judging by the look on your face, I'm willing to hazard a guess that we found more than we bargained for.

Magnolia: You could certainly say that. We found out that there was indeed an entrance to a set of underground tunnels beneath the ground of the field where our last battle was held, but we haven't been able to move closer quite yet.

Aestlyn: I understand... It's best to not take a risk like that for the time being. We don't know what's waiting there, after all.

Kyle: If there's really a Malice general somewhere beneath the ground, they're going to have to come out sooner or later.

Luciana: As of now, we actually don't know if anybody is hiding there... Perhaps there were simply plans to move to the location in question. We aren't going to be sure until after a bit more work is done to investigate the scene.

Karim: So... What I'm hearing right now is that we still don't know anywhere near as much as we're going to need to be aware of in order to charge the place.

Nora: While we're waiting on the next string of information, then we'll just do everything we can to get ready for the fight at hand then. We'll have to charge into combat one of these days.

Reese: We can totally do that... Though I do have to admit that I'm curious about what we're going to wind up finding when the time to investigate does arrive.

Cassia: I already have a bad feeling about it... You can call me paranoid all you want, but there's clearly something strange about this area that we've stumbled upon.

Illona: You know, it almost felt familiar to me... I know that's a weird thing to say, but... I don't know. I guess I'll have to think about it more in the future.

Magnolia: For now, we're going to focus our attention on continuing the investigation. We're going to have to keep fighting soon enough, but we should take a break while we can.

Luciana: This battlefield is a stepping stone to our next destination. We're going to start mapping out the best route through the territories of Faerghus that will net us the best results in reclaiming the country. After we've figured that out, we'll know where our attention would be best spent, and that should make the next step of the war far easier to carry out.

Magnolia: I don't think that there's really much of anything else for us to talk about for the time being though. We're just going to have to see what comes next in our investigation, I suppose. I'll talk to you all another time.

As the Blue Lions begin to leave behind the cardinals' room, You decide to linger for a short while longer. You manage to catch Magnolia alone after Luciana departs, and You ask her if there is something wrong.

Magnolia: Something... Wrong? I don't think I would say so. Why do you ask?

You say that something about her has simply seemed different since the group first came back together.

Magnolia: Ah... I see. I understand that the sudden change must be rather jarring to you. Everyone else has been at least somewhat aware of what has taken place in Faerghus, though I suppose that doesn't apply to you.

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