{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter One: Garreg Mach I

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You followed the three students and their knight companions through the woods. You can see an outline in the dusk of a large and expansive building in the distance atop a mountain. You don't know what this place is, but it doesn't seem familiar. 

Magnolia: Here we are... Garreg Mach Monastery.

Raithius: I knew we'd be coming back soon, but I didn't think we'd have someone new joining us.

Chris: I wonder what the archbishop is going to say about this... I don't think she expected us to bring a guest along...

Derric: I'll take care of it. You three should go and see Professor Tysera and get patched up before heading to bed. It's getting late.

Magnolia: I hope the archbishop isn't too angry...

Derric: It'll be alright. No worries.

You watch Magnolia, Raithius, and Chris walk away as You arrive at the doors of the monastery. 

Derric: I'll see about setting you up with a spare room for the night. We don't have much time to talk for now, which means it will have to wait for the morning.

You nod. 

Derric: Stay here for now. We'll take care of this later.

Derric walks away. You wait for him in silence until a voice cuts through your head.

Seraphine: So, we're staying at this monastery, huh?

You jump in shock as Seraphine appears before you. She seems halfway transparent, as if she isn't completely there. 

Seraphine: Why are you looking at me like that? I figured out how to appear in real life. You're going to have to deal with it.

You shake your head in surprise. You had been asleep for seemingly so long, and Seraphine had only appeared in your mind up until this point. You didn't realize it was possible for her to appear elsewhere. However, your thoughts are interrupted when You see Derric approaching once again.

Derric: Alright, I took care of things. You're going to be sleeping in one of the extra rooms in the student areas. The archbishop seems to trust you since you saved our students.

Derric begins to lead You away to your room. He walks through Seraphine as he goes past, who scatters like mist as he passes through before reforming once he was on the other side. She pouts angrily.

Seraphine: Hey! I'm standing here, bucko!

You notice that Derric doesn't seem to be able to see or her Seraphine. It appears she is your problem to deal with. She mutters a few angry phrases under her breath as You continue to follow Derric. She begrudgingly trails You.

Derric: Here we are. Your room is just through here. I hope you enjoy your time here. I'll come by in the morning to wake you up for when you go and talk to the archbishop. Until then, have a nice night.

Derric opens the door to allow You passage inside. Once You are in the room, he shuts it behind You. Seraphine passes through the door to follow You. She turns to mist before reforming on the other side.

Seraphine: It seems as if I cannot interact with physical objects the way you can... How odd. I wonder why that is. Maybe only you can hear me. That knight did not seem to recognize my yelling after he walked through me. I do believe that's considered rude regardless of if you can see a person or not.

You shake your head, unsure of what to tell her. It is clear to You that Seraphine is not quite human, but she doesn't seem entirely false in her existence either. She is in an odd state of limbo in between the two. You stare at her for a moment, and she looks back at you.

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