{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Six: Tainted Memories II (Golden Deer)

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The morning of the mission, You wake up and make your way to the Golden Deer homeroom. When You arrive, You see the students standing with Jill.

Jill: We're heading to Leicester territory to figure out who has been attacking smaller territories... Though I feel like we already know exactly who is responsible.

Novalee: Given recent events, it doesn't take a genius to determine...

Adeline: What are we even waiting for? Don't we have other things to take care of?

Cedric: We have a friend joining us from here on out. We need her to get here before we can head to the Alliance.

Lev: That's right... Kaeta is coming along with us.

Sofia: It's so odd to think that a knight is actually allowed to do something for once... They've been so passive up to this point.

William: I'm sure the archbishop has her reasons for doing such.

Wolfgang: It looks like we're finished waiting.

The door opens as Kaeta walks in.

Kaeta: Greetings, students.

Lev: You don't need to talk to us like we're different... If you're going to be fighting with us, make yourself at home.

Kaeta: Well, isn't that a nice offer? I suppose I'll just have to take you up on that.

Adeline: Welcome to the party, Kaeta. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Sofia: Wow... Aren't you a strong one...?

Kaeta: You really think so...?

Seraphine: Looks like Sofia is going to be having a field day with this new friend...

William: Now that Kaeta is here, we have no reason to stick around here. Leicester awaits.

Cedric: I wonder what we'll find out... Given what we spoke of at the start of the month, there's a lot at stake here.

Wolfgang: Malice is going to pay for what they've done...

Novalee: I agree. However, they can't pay until we head out, so let's get going.

Jill: Novalee has a point. Come on. Let's get ready to go.

The students, Jill, and Kaeta leave the room, though Novalee and Raithius stay behind.

Novalee: You were awfully quiet that whole conversation.

Raithius: Was I? Sorry, Nova.

Novalee: You don't need to apologize. I just wanted to check up on you.

Raithius: Thank you... Thanks. Yeah.

Novalee: Are you alright?

Raithius: That's... Uh... Complicated.

Novalee: ...Thinking about what was lost?

Raithius: Yeah... There's the matter of what happened to the Stomm family first of all. After that, there's the assassination attempt on my brother. Finally, I'm thinking about what happened to my father... There's no proof that Malice is involved with that somehow, but it wouldn't surprise me. If they've been trying to throw the rest of the continent into chaos, then who's to say they wouldn't try and do the same with the Alliance?

Novalee: Malice was responsible for the death of Franz Josefa, and a rebellion against Hendrix von Faixnoye was started earlier this year... It would only make sense if they were involved in the disappearance of Julius Origo as well. That's what you're thinking, yes?

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