{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Eight: Echoes of Crescent II (Golden Deer)

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On the last day of the moon, You wake up and rise to your feet. Seraphine appears beside You.

Seraphine: Is it too much to ask for answers? Somehow, I think so, but I guess whatever happens will happen no matter what we want.

You start to walk to the Golden Deer homeroom.

Seraphine: You know what else I would love? Finally remembering what the past was like for us. Why am I so much younger than you? Where in the world did I come from? Who are you really? How are you involved with Evenor Hepius? Why can only you see me? I can't stop thinking about it.

You arrive at the classroom, nodding silently. Seraphine disappears. Inside the classroom, You see the students of the Golden Deer house, Jill, Nesreen, Kaeta, and Yuliya.

Jill: Greetings, Professor. It's nice to see you.

Raithius: We're almost ready to set out and take care of business.

Novalee: I don't know how this is going to go, but I pray it works out in our favor.

Adeline: I believe in us.

Lev: I'm a bit less sure... Not because I don't have faith, but...

Sofia: You just think the enemy will be tough.

Cedric: And that's understandable. However, we can't lose our confidence too soon.

Wolfgang: If anybody can handle this, it's us.

William: I think we should pause in our talking for the time being.

Nesreen: We have someone to introduce now.

Kaeta: Yuliya, say hello.

Yuliya: Hey, I guess.

Jill: Our mission is to defeat the many fighters of Malice that have gathered in Empire territory.

Raithius: I'll be making sure they don't get away with it.

Novalee: I hope everyone is prepared.

Sofia: Of course we are. Let's go take care of business.

William: The sooner we finish that up, the sooner we can learn why.

Cedric: That's what I would like to know as well.

Wolfgang: They must have a motive... But what could it be?

Adeline: If all goes well, we'll find out sooner rather than later.

Kaeta: I know I want to hear about it. I'm sick of not having any answers.

Nesreen: Lady Aisa will want to hear about this.

Yuliya: Of course...

Jill: Come on, everyone. Grab the last of your supplies.

Novalee: We have quite a ways to go.

Sofia: In other words, tell your adrenaline to pipe down for a little while.

Cedric: A noble heart is never dulled.

Yuliya: Goddess, save my soul...

Adeline: Off we go then.

Wolfgang: We're going to find answers today. I'm sure of it.

William: I'll trust you on that then.

Kaeta: Optimism, everyone! Don't let your spirits down.

Lev: If you insist...

Nesreen: Come on. Let's just get to it.

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