{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Five: Beneath the Surface II (Golden Deer)

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At the end of the month, You stand in the Golden Deer homeroom with the class and Jill.

Raithius: We're done waiting around. It's time we went off to find Florence.

Novalee: People are mostly positive that the garden is tied in with the disappearances of Florence and Professor Wessin.

Sofia: Why are we just standing around here? It's time to find them.

Cedric: We can't get into this yet. I heard that we're going to have a visitor with us this time, somebody to help us out.

Jill: I hope that she'll be able to assist us in some way... If not, then we're certainly in trouble, given how much authority she has.

Wolfgang: Who are you talking about?

William: See for yourself.

William points to the door as it opens, Cordelia entering the room.

Cordelia: Well, let's jump right into this. We've got some people to save.

Adeline: You're the knight captain, right?

Cordelia: I am. Captain Torryn reporting for duty. The archbishop asked that I come with you on this mission to make sure nothing went horribly wrong. If there are no further objections, then we can get going now.

Lev: Then let's not waste a moment...

You leave the classroom to head in the direction of the garden. Seraphine walks at your side.

Seraphine: If the garden is really the place where everything happened, then let's hope nothing bad happens to us here... I don't want to be the next victim of kidnapping.

You stop in front of a large bush in the garden. Cordelia points to it and shakes her head.

Cordelia: Unnatural... Something is going on here. This doesn't seem like it belongs. It's so much bigger than everything else in the area, but they should be the same age and same size.

Cordelia parts the greenery, and inside, You see a secret passage.

William: It looks like a hallway of some sort.

Sofia: Well, I certainly didn't see that coming.

Cordelia: I heard people saying that there was something wrong in the garden, but I didn't expect this.

Cedric: No point in standing around. I won't be able to forgive myself if they get into trouble while we're just waiting.

Lev: I agree... Come on.

Cordelia starts into the passage.

Cordelia: It's much larger than you'd expect... I mean, the opening is pretty small, but once you get down here, it's huge... And it's old, too.

Novalee: I wonder where it came from... How long has it been here without being discovered?

Wolfgang: The monastery is rather old... It's been around for just about a thousand years. Those who were there for its construction are no longer around. Finding all the secrets of this place would be impossible... I guess we'll just have to be the first one to go in.

Adeline: Then off we go.

Raithius: There's a lot of space in there. I'm positive that we could all hop in without worry of crowding each other.

Jill: Then off we go.

The rest of the students and Jill go inside of the passage, and You take up the rear.

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