{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Twelve: Ripped from Bliss III (Blue Lions)

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On the day of graduation, You wake up rather early. Seraphine appears behind You, a sad smile on her face.

Seraphine: This is it... This is one of the last times we're going to be able to see your students. They're finally ready to go out and make their own world.

You nod sadly and start to walk up to the audience chamber. When You arrive, You see Aisa and Cordelia standing with the three house leaders. No other people are present.

Aisa: Today is the day.

Cordelia: All of our kids are going to be heading out and graduating soon... How incredible.

Chris: This year went by so fast... I'm going to miss this place.

Magnolia: I've really grown a lot here. I hope I can take that growth and utilize it when I become the queen of Faerghus.

Raithius: It's unfortunate that we're going while Malice is still out there, but... I still think we've done a lot this year.

Aisa: Professor, the time has come for you to choose your own path. The future is yours to make.

Cordelia: Any one of us would be happy to have you as part of our company.

Chris: We know that you'll make the choice that's right for you.

Magnolia: We won't judge you at all. Promise.

Raithius: So, Professor... What will it be?

You look at all of their expectant, waiting faces. In the end, your gaze lingers on Raithius, and You realize that You wish to be with the Blue Lions. You voice this, confirming your allegiance when asked.

Magnolia: Thank you for joining me, Professor. You won't regret this.

Aisa: The graduation ceremony will be starting soon. We should go and get ready.

Cordelia: I agree. We don't want to keep those kids waiting for too long.

Raithius: Time sure has flown by...

Chris: It doesn't even feel real...

You walk out of the audience chamber alongside Magnolia, leaving the other four behind to talk to each other.

Magnolia: When we return to Faerghus, I'll set you up with an incredible life. I won't force you to remain by my side, as you should have the choice to decide what you wish to do with your life. It's the least I can do for you.

You thank her for such but say that You truly don't need much.

Magnolia: I'm happy to provide. Consider this an order from your new superior. You have to enjoy yourself, okay?

You nod hesitantly.

Magnolia: Good. Thank you for agreeing to it, Professor. We should probably go and help with setting up for the ceremony. You should be with me and the rest of the Blue Lions. We won't have time to tell them that you're coming back to Faerghus, but I assume that they'll understand when they see you with me.

You agree.

Magnolia: Perfect! Now, let's get on it. Thank you for joining me. I really do appreciate it. I don't think I could ever begin to tell you how much this means to me.

You watch Magnolia walk away as Seraphine appears.

Seraphine: The Blue Lions, huh... Your time as a teacher has come to a close, and now, you'll be part of the Faerghus army. Times sure do change quickly.

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