{Part Two: Emerald Tempest} Chapter Twenty: Unbroken I

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You awaken at the start of the next moon and rise to your feet. Seraphine appears before You soon afterwards.

Seraphine: This is going to be it... We're off to defeat the ones that have been causing so many problems for us all this time. I can't believe that we're finally getting closer to reaching our goal... I don't know where we would be without the help of Cyrus and Druilla, but we probably wouldn't be anywhere close to what we're going to be doing now.

You say that You owe quite a bit to those two.

Seraphine: I have to admit that I... I feel bad for them. They've been through a lot as far as I can tell, and for all we know, they're victims of Evenor the same way that we were... That we might have been...? We still don't have the answers that we're looking for, but we do know what we have to do now at least.

You confess that You are curious about the mastermind behind the past few incidents as well even though You are uncertain as to who it could possibly be.

Seraphine: Yeah, I wonder that as well... But we're bound to find the truth one day if that just so happens to be on our path. For the time being, we have to find Evenor and make sure that she tells us everything that we're missing to learn the truth about our past. She's done a lot of awful things to countless people, and... We're one of the only ones who can offer retribution for that. Beyond that, she can do one good thing and tell us what really happened when we were young before we wind up having to defeat her... I hope that she does that, at the very least...

You shake your head and tell her that perhaps this is not the time to be thinking of such things.

Seraphine: You're right... We have to focus on our current mission, and now isn't the time to get distracted. Let's go and see the rest of the knights.

Seraphine disappears, and You make your way to the cardinals' room. Cordelia is looking down at a map when You arrive.

Kaeta: There you are, Professor. We were developing our current plan for the upcoming invasion of this Shambhala place.

Piers: We know where we're going to have to go thanks to Cyrus and Druilla offering us information.

Yuliya: I do want to point out that this just makes it sound like they're trying to lure us into a trap.

Wynne: Then why would they betray their side of the fighting to help us? That has to mean something in their favor.

Miriam: Perhaps that's all part of the ruse... Now that we've had more time to think, I have to wonder how honest they were being.

Rodain: This is the only clue that we have right now. Even if it is a trap, this is the only thing that we can do from here.

Derric: Besides, we know that other people of their kind have been moving around in the area. That much we knew going into the mission.

Cassia: This truly is our only option if we want to find the truth behind what's happening at the moment...

Cordelia: Which is exactly why we're going to set ourselves up for an invasion of Shambhala this moon. Regardless of if that comes to pass, the very least we can do is prepare for it. If we run into other obstacles, we'll already be prepared for a battle, and we'll do what we can to defend ourselves from there.

Derric: I must admit that it does worry me that we still aren't sure of where Evenor is hiding at the moment... She has to be out there somewhere, but we don't have any clues yet.

Piers: That was one of the things that we weren't able to get an answer on regarding that battle...

Miriam: If you think about it, our search for Evenor truly isn't all that unlike our attempts to find Lady Aisa.

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