{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Three: Bygone Era II (Golden Deer)

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The day before your mission to track down the soldiers in black, You stand in the Golden Deer homeroom with the students and Jill.

Jill: We have received new information from Nesreen. The soldiers in black are moving on a village in Aster territory. It's a Faerghus province governed by the family of our own Aestlyn. We're going to rescue the village in tomorrow's strike.

Adeline: Aster territory... What could they want there?

Cedric: We won't let anything bad happen. I refuse to let more innocent people suffer.

Raithius: Enough people from Faerghus have seen harm by these people. Let's end it once and for all.

Wolfgang: They're incredibly selfish for attacking others to gain something.

Sofia: We took care of last month's mission without any problems. We have this all under control.

William: This is bound to be a relatively easy mission. I'm sure of it. We're all rather skilled now anyways.

Novalee: Looking at it that way might put us in danger. We can't go in too confident. It could be the death of us.

Lev: We've been training for this. We can do it... I hope...

Sofia: We've grown a lot since our last battle anyways. The training has really been helping us out a lot.

Adeline: I hope you're right...

Cedric: We should try and be confident, right?

Lev: Getting too cocky could hurt us a lot more than we expect... Try not to think that way, alright?

Wolfgang: It's getting late now anyways. I think we should all turn in now to get ready for the mission.

William: Night, everybody.

Jill: We don't have a moment to lose. Be sure you're prepared for when we set out.

Novalee: These cowards deserve all we can give them for going after innocent people this way...

The students all leave alongside Jill save for Raithius. He stays behind and whispers to You before departing.

Raithius: I wonder if they're really responsible for the death of Franz Josefa... If so, we're dealing with some incredibly dangerous people. We'll need to be on our guard. Sleep well, Professor. We'll need you to be ready for tomorrow.

As Raithius leaves, Seraphine appears at your side.

Seraphine: He's acting much more serious than usual... I can't blame him though. You should get some rest before tomorrow. We don't have a moment to lose. Tomorrow is a big day.

You nod your agreement and make your way back to your room before falling asleep for the night, wondering what the future will hold...

The next morning, You arrive at the class's homeroom, ready to set out on your mission.

Jill: We're going to finish our last preparations and then set out.

Raithius: We can't stick around for too much longer and all that, right?

Cedric: I think it's time for us to eliminate those soldiers in black permanently. They can't be allowed to harm anyone else.

Adeline: It's happened enough already...

Sofia: Then let's just kick them out. They'll be running away and licking their wounds before they know it.

Wolfgang: Off we go then! Alright. In that case, let's take care of business!

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