{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Nine: Divine Salvation III (Blue Lions)

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The day of your mission, You wake up, and Seraphine manifests beside You.

Seraphine: Well, now that the ball is over with, the time has come... Faerghus awaits us. The people of that church need to be protected from Malice, and we're just the people to take care of the job.

You nod and walk to the Blue Lions homeroom. Inside, the students wait with Reese, Nesreen, Kaeta, and Yuliya.

Reese: We'll be leaving shortly.

Falon: I wonder what will be waiting for us there.

Aestlyn: They must want something from the church.

Nora: Regardless of if they want something, they're sending a message to the Church of Seiros first and foremost.

Yuliya: They're being ridiculous...

Kyle: They seem to think this will help them in their quest. I can't think of any other reasons they would do this.

Cassia: I'm sure we'll find an answer soon enough.

Kaeta: If they think they can get away with this, they're sorely mistaken.

Nesreen: Lady Aisa is counting on us to defend the followers of Seiros.

Karim: I'm sure we'll find victory.

Illona: You sure are ready for this...

Magnolia: I can't wait to see the look on their faces.

Reese: The people who live near this church are counting on us. We can't afford to lose this fight for their sake.

Kaeta: We can't let them down now.

Falon: I hope this goes in our favor.

Aestlyn: We'll figure that out later.

Karim: We have a lot to do first.

Kyle: I know I'm ready.

Cassia: Hopefully, the resting time offered by the ball will have prepared us.

Nesreen: Lady Aisa is expecting us to come out victorious.

Illona: It's time to go then.

Nora: There's not a moment to lose.

Yuliya: We're finished waiting around. Let's get to it.

Magnolia: The Blue Lions will be victorious!

The students walk away. Seraphine appears beside You.

Seraphine: I highly doubt it, but I wonder if we'll find out more about this Crescent person we heard about last month... A girl can dream, I suppose.

You set out for Faerghus soon after. When You arrive, You stand with the Blue Lions near the church.

Magnolia: Here we are.

Falon: I expected a church so close to Fhirdiad to be much larger.

Illona: Maybe it seems bigger on the inside...?

Nora: Regardless, we should get in there.

Kaeta: We should head in there and warn the people inside.

Reese: First, we should set up a perimeter around the building.

Aestlyn: Malice won't ever be able to breach our defenses.

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