{Part I: White Clouds} Chapter One: Garreg Mach IV (Black Eagles)

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A little over a week after You arrived at the monastery, the day of the mock battle has arrived. You walk into your homeroom where all of your students are already standing with Herwig.

Chris: The day of the mock battle has come... Now is where things get difficult.

Florence: We are totally going to win this!

Chris: I have never quite understood the competitive part of this... We're all in the same class. Shouldn't we be working together?

Herwig: Healthy competition is good for the body and mind... At least, that's what Jill always says.

Callisto: We're going to do this! We're ready!

Aquillus: I'm not exactly fond of having a mock battle when there are other things we should be doing, but... I suppose I can't really change it. 

Hegias: Professor, you'll make sure nothing too bad happens, right?

Tuncay: We should be fine. We're all capable fighters, and the teachers were assigned to the Academy for a reason.

Polly: I hope you can handle this, Professor. It's a lot of pressure.

Florence: We can totally do this. The professor wouldn't let us down now.

Zelhira: It's time for us to go to the battlefield. There's not a moment to delay.

Herwig: Derric is set to be overlooking the match to ensure no one is badly injured. I hear Derric is going to be judging this fight, deciding when teams are out and such.

Chris: I trust Derric to make fair judgements, but I'm still scared out of my mind...

Callisto: It's time to go and kick some tail!

Aquillus: You seem rather confident... Alright. I'll play along.

Polly: We can handle this. We're some of the best fighters in Adrestia. No need to worry.

Tuncay: It's time to show what we're made of.

You and the students walk to the door. Chris walks beside You.

Chris: G-Good luck out there, Professor... We're all counting on you.

You nod and follow the students and Herwig out to the battlefield. The mock battle is set to take place in a large field with minimal terrain and a few trees.

Derric: This field will be the scene of our mock battle this year. You all will fight in an organized manner, not trying to kill each other, but instead just trying to force a retreat. Nobody here will die, if you were concerned about such a thing. This will allow the professors, who will fight alongside you, to learn where you are as students and what to focus on in the future when training you. All students will participate in this fight to accurately gauge skill. With that said, it's time to begin. Make your final preparations now.

The battle begins around You. You stand with the Black Eagles and Herwig. The other houses stand with their own professors. You lead your students in combat, telling them who to attack and when.

If Chris initiates combat with Magnolia, this dialogue will play out.

Chris: H-Hello, Magnolia... I just wanted to apologize in advance for what I'm about to do.

Magnolia: You don't have to. It's all part of the exercise. I'll be fine.

Chris: Alright... Let's just get this over with.

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