{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Nineteen: Dance of Deception II

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The day of the mission arrives, and You start moving towards the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks to You, but she does not fully manifest to keep from drawing attention.

Seraphine: Alright... We're going after Admoderor territory this time, if I recall correctly. I wonder what's going to be waiting for us there.

You admit that You do not know.

Seraphine: We'll have to see what happens then... I'm sure that we'll be able to take care of it.

Seraphine's voice stops speaking to You as You arrive at the cardinals' room. The Golden Deer are waiting for You there as expected, and You look around at them. All of their eyes are filled with a sense of determination, something You never would have expected after the previous moon's revelation.

Raithius: Alright, everyone. We're going to be heading towards Admoderor lands. This is the last major noble house that we need to conquer, and it's going to be a significant step for us.

Lev: After we take back House Admoderor, we're going to be able to focus solely on tracking down their leader.

Sofia: All we'll really have left to do is get rid of the remaining fighters who weren't bound to a given territory... Okay, maybe that's a lot, but it's still progress.

Novalee: We've come a long way since we first started meeting up here, and I don't think that we should forget that fact.

William: I'm personally ready to go and see what they're made of. It's what we have to do, after all.

Jill: Is there any notable strategy that we should be aware of?

Raithius: We're striking from the back. After we get there, we're simply going to have to charge in.

Adeline: It's going to be a surprise attack, but... I just hope that it's enough...

Cedric: You look lost in thought, Adeline... Is there anything that you want to tell us before we head out?

Adeline: As a matter of fact... Yes. I believe that my older brother is going to be there when we arrive.

Wolfgang: You're going to request what Sofia did, aren't you? You want us to make sure that we spare him.

Adeline: I do... He's not a fighter. He's always been rather weak and sickly, so I doubt he would be able to join my parents on the battlefield even if he wanted to. If we can protect him, that would be incredible.

Raithius: You heard her, everyone. We can stay away from attacking him.

Adeline: Thank you... He's not going to fight back against us. He cares about me too much to do something like that, and... I know this is a bold thing to say, but I believe he would put me above our parents.

Wolfgang: You know him better than all of us, so if you think that's what he's going to do, then we're more than happy to trust your judgement.

Lev: I agree with Wolfgang. We're here for you no matter what happens, Adeline.

Sofia: Exactly. You were there for me when I wanted to do whatever I could to help my brother. The least I can do is return the favor.

Cedric: You know that we'd do anything for you, right?

Adeline: Y... Yes... Still, I appreciate all that you've done for me thus far.

Novalee: Don't concern yourself with it. Focus on the battle at hand. We'll do what we can to support you, and you don't need to put much thought into it.

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